Thursday, October 31, 2019

Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Inequality - Essay Example It should be realized that every individual possesses different levels of skills ad capabilities. In order to become better leaders, it is important for the individual to grow and develop their emotional intelligence in order to manage people better. The need to cultivate emotional intelligence arises out of several needs (Goleman, 65). The case provides an analysis in which an individual is able to be self-aware and recognize the emotions as they occur around him. As John improves in EQ, he is able to understand himself better and the people he manages in the organization greatly depend upon him. More importantly, his social life improves drastically due to the self-awareness. This is certainly an important skill for all leaders as it enables them to discover and understand their skills, strengths and weaknesses. Such leaders are able to understand the emotions of their workers and therefore treat them in the most appropriate way. The result of such awareness is an improvement in the overall performance in the organization. From the case, it is seen that John eventually manages to stay aware of his feelings and those of his senior regarding his performance in the organization. He realizes that despite the fact that he is a good performer in his field, he still needs to horn his management skills. It is basically a question of managing emotions and clearly understanding the wider picture in the whole organization (Goleman, 23). At the end, it is seen that John cannot simply rush into decisions but will clearly manage his emotions and make the most appropriate decision. For leaders, emotional management is a vital aspect and should be greatly valued. A leader should know how to balance situations and counsel his subjects without showing any inappropriate emotions in the process. In such a case, the leader will earn and maintain their respect from the subjects. In the case of John, many workers are free to consult him on various issues as a result of

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished Essay Example for Free

The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished Essay The death penalty should be abolished as a form of punishment. This paper intends to shine some light on the death penalty in order to help the reader understand what issues face the system today and what problems can be corrected. This paper achieves this by: (1) pointing out the wrongful sentencing of innocent people and the use of DNA testing in attaining their freedom; (2) emphasizing the unjustness of the Capital Punishment system due to the arbitrary, racial and geographically biased nature of the process; And also (3) It shows that the evidence backing up deterrence as a major benefit of the death penalty is exaggerated and unsubstantiated. With a specific look at how â€Å"future dangerousness† plays a part in keeping the death penalty around and how to change that. Last it will look at the rising costs associated with Capital Punishment. The death penalty risks too many innocent lives. DNA testing is currently the single greatest savior of unjustly sentenced death row inmates. It aided in the exoneration of 133 prisoners between 1973 and 2009. (Schmalleger, 2011) But up until the 1960s DNA exoneration by science wasn’t even thought up. This leads us to wonder how many death row inmates are actually innocent today. In most cases, there is no DNA evidence left behind leaving only the account of eyewitnesses to validate the crime. The only issue with that is witnesses have been wrong before. One notable death row case involving an eyewitness’s misconception was DeLuna v. Texas 1983. Carlos DeLuna was wrongfully executed for killing a single mother at his local gas station even after the real killer, who bear a striking resemblance to DeLuna, was captured and placed in a cell underneath his own. The person who helped unwind this web of DeLuna is the notable Columbia law professor James Liebman. In 2001 one of Liebman’s study revealed an error rate of 68% in Capital cases.(William W Berry, 2010) the extinguishing of an innocent human beings life is an irrevocable mistake that could be avoided with a sentence of Life without the Possibility of Parole (LWOP). Imbalanced justice system Part of the definition of Justice is â€Å"fairness or reasonableness, especially in the way people are treated or decisions are made† when you relate this to the death penalty you are presented with many divergence’s to that same logic. The following are a few examples of how the death penalty is unfair to certain groups: first the system is arbitrary in nature. The rich are able the attain some of the best defense attorneys in order to greatly increase their chance of avoiding the death penalty, while the poor must receive state appointed counsel. What makes matters worse is the lack of skilled counsel willing to work on Capital Punishment leads to a continued rise in the backlog of unrepresented sentenced prisoners. (Gray, 2011) The second example of unfairness results from geographic location. In some states, a felony murder is a Capital crime, Maryland is one. While other states, like New Jersey, need aggravating circumstances before the death penalty is given. Also, between the years of 1976 and 2004 more than 700 executions took place. 82% were a product of these ten states: (AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MO, OK, SC, TX and VA) With Texas and Virginia accounting for half of these nationwide executions. (American Civil Liberties Union, 2002) There are no significant data showing a higher rate of violent crime in those states. So I must infer that, on a nationwide level, the Capital Punishment is unjust or at the very least unbalanced. The third unjustness of the Capital Punishment system stems from its racial disparities. Bias manifests itself in two ways. One, the even though â€Å"Latinos are the largest ethnic minority group in the United States† they still only comprise between 8% and 13% of defendants on death row in the 1990s. (Baik, 2012) now compare that to African Americans who, in the same time period, represented nearly 40% of all death row inmates in the US.(Greenfield, 1991) one case that highlights all three examples of unfairne ss in the Criminal justice system can be found in the 1972 trial of Furman v. Georgia. This was a case of a poor, black, man from a southern state that was prone to issuing the death penalty. The outcome of this trial was a de facto moratorium between 1967 and 1977 where no executions were conducted in the United’s states during this time (Schmalleger, 2011). Deterrence is exaggerated and also obtainable through other ways. There are two possible ways to examine deterrence. First, it can  be viewed the same way that most people understand it by; the Punishment of one criminal will deter multiple others from committing similar gruesome acts. This view has been brought up in a couple of study’s: the 2001 study by Hashem Dezhbakhsh and Paul Rubin at Emory University who concluded that on average one single execution results in 18 fewer murders; an earlier study was conducted by Viscusi in 1993 which pegged the average deterrence at 14. Most of the fundamental testing and deterrence hypotheses used leading up to the present were produced by Isaac Erlich between 1975 and 1977. (Erlich 1975) although a valiant attempt to survey something as complex as this topic, most of these types of data analysis are proven false due to factors such as, failure to include states that do not carry a death penalty; and that some studies have just been methodologically flawed. I would have to agree with the late US Supreme court justice Thurgood Marshall, LLB who said it best at the 1972 trial of Furman v. Georgia, â€Å"Despite the fact that abolitionists have not proved non-deterrence beyond a reasonable doubt, they have succeeded in showing by clear and convincing evidence that Capital Punishment is not necessary as a deterrent to crime in our society.† inconclusive studies and overall popular dismissal, have resulted in arguments in favor of these types of studies to start decreasing over time. As Federal prosecutor Donald Heller put it, â€Å"When someone kills, theyre thinking of satisfying whatever [made them] decide to kill. They never think about the ultimate Punishment.† (Heller, 2011) Second, deterrence, also called incapacitation, can be viewed as a permanent solution to the issue of â€Å"Future dangerousness†, which is, â€Å"the threat an offender will be likely to pose in the future.†(William W Berry, 2010). In William berry’s report, he goes on to say that future dangerousness is the strongest determinant of whether an individual receives the death penalty. This is harmful because studies show that juries tend to over-predict the presence of future dangerousness. In addition, â€Å"between 21% and 32% of jurors stated that their deliberations focused on the issue of future dangerousness extensively even when the prosecution failed to raise the issue.†(William W Berry, 2010) In fact, even practicing physicians have a very low probability of predicting future dangerous so it’s hard to see how a jury can do it accurately. This view of deterrence as in regards to Future dangerousness, compared with the first, has a more tangible way of  proving right or wrong. For instance, in the ring v. Arizona trial, Justice Breyer shared the following reasons why incapacitation could not justify the use of Capital Punishment: â€Å"Few offenders sentenced to life without parole (as an alternative to death) commit further crimes†. She also goes on to cite two studies proving her point; (1) â€Å"studies find average repeat murder rate of .002% among murderers whose death sentences were commuted; † and (2) â€Å"of the Furman-Commuted Inmates: 98% did not kill again either in prison or in free society.† (William W Berry, 2010) The fact that very little criminals that have been released from death row actually kill again, coupled with the poss ible replacement with the less controversial Life without the possibility of parole(LWOP), can make for a great rational for the abolishment of Capital Punishment. The rising cost of Capital Punishment. The cost of placing one person through the Capital Punishment system in some states like California can be as high as 100 Million Dollars. That same person could have been placed in a regular cell for 40 years and the state would still come out ahead. (schmalleger, 2011) Also in some states where the death penalty is not in use the state are still paying millions of dollars In taxes towards the death penalty. With the rising cost of prisons due to overcrowding and lack of funding, it may be only a matter of time before the death penalty becomes too expensive to implement. It would pay dividends to the local law enforcement, community based reform programs, and the economy as a whole if we abolish the death penalty and adopt the sentence of LWOP in its place. Conclusion To progress as a civilized nation and fully comply with international human rights laws. We need to stop murdering our civilians. Even if there was a way to eliminate all risk of erroneous executions of innocent people, we would still be committing murder by executing the criminal. The government takes the responsibility of these deaths away from the executioner and the physicians, but the government is just the culmination of the will of the people, so in turn, we the people are murdering our neighbors if we let this continue. Also, the system is terribly imbalanced. A majority of the nation’s death sentences come from a handful of counties. In turn, someone could commit the exact same type of murder on opposite sides of a state’s  borders, and one will receive the death penalty while the other will be free in about 40 years. There is also a high level of racial disparity amongst the death penalty. A person is more likely to receive the death penalty if they murder a white man, as opposed to a black man. Also, we covered deterrence and future dangerousness. The outcome found no weight in studies showing some decrease in crime resulting from the implementation of Capital Punishment. Furthermore, future dangerousness should be completely taken out of the equation because of the implementation of LWOP mixed with solitary confinement addresses that concern. Finally, the issue of cost is addressed. Cost should never be a deciding factor in whether someone lives or dies, but in our current troubled economy, the death penalty may enter the chopping block in due to the high costs associated with it. I would much rather see it being abolished all together than to see someone’s trial get improper handling due to cutting previously slim corners. Bibliography Baik, E. (2012). Gender, Religion and National Origin: Latinos’ Attitude toward Capital Punishment. Journal of Social Sciences (15493652), 8(1), 79-84. Science Publications. Retrieved from Ehrlich, I. (1975), â€Å"The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: A Question of Life and Death,† American Economic Review 65: 468-474. GavrilÃ… ¡, A. N. (2011). SHOULD THE DEATH PENALTY BE ABOLISHED? ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST THE CENTURIES-OLD PUNISHMENT. Journal for Communication Culture, 2(2), 82-98. Institute for Communication Culture. Retrieved from Gray, J. P. (2011). ESSAY: FACING FACTS ON THE DEATH PENALTY. Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 44(3), S255-S264. Loyola of Los Angeles School of Law. Retrieved from Greenfield, L. A. (1991). Capital Punishment 1990, 15. Retrieved from Hayes-Harb, R., Masuda, K. (2008). Development of the Ability to Lexically Encode Novel Second Language Phonemic Contrasts. Second Language Research, 24(5), 5-33. DOI: 10.1177/0267658307082980. Heller, D. (2011, July 06). NEW VOICES: Author of Californias Expanded Death Penalty Law Now Supports Repeal. Retrieved from Death Penalty Information Center: Roko, E. (2010). FINALITY, HABEAS, INNOCENCE, AND THE DEATH PENALTY: CAN JUSTICE BE DONE? Washington Law Review, 85(1), 107-129. Washington Law Review. Retrieved from Schmalleger, F. (2011). Criminal Justice Today. Upper saddle river: prenice hall. William W Berry, I. (2010). Ending Death by Dangerousness A Path to the De Facto Abolition of the Death Penalty. Arizona Law Review, 52, 889. Copyright (c) 2010 Arizona Board of Regents. Retrieved from Viscusi, W.K. (1993), â€Å"The Value of Risks to Life and Health,† Journal of Economic Literature 31: 1912-1946. Weber, A., Cutler, A. (2004). Lexical competition in non-native spoken-word recognition. Journal of Memory and Language, 50, 1-25. DOI: 10.1016/S0749-596X(03)00105-0. Furman v. Georgia 408 U.S. 238 (1972).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mosquito repellent

Mosquito repellent INTRODUCTION Mosquito Repellent is the product which protects mainly human beings from the deadly mosquitoes. Before proceeding about the mosquito repellent and about its usage and all, let us first analyze what is mosquito and repellent. Mosquito is a common flying insect that is found around the world. There are about 3,500 species of mosquitoes. They have a pair of scaled wings, a pair of halters, a slender body, and six long legs. The females of most mosquito species suck blood from other animals, which has made them the deadliest disease vector known, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by the spread of infectious diseases. Repellent is a substance applied to skin, clothing or other surfaces which discourages insects from landing or climbing on that surface mainly human beings. There are so many different kinds of mosquito repellents are available in the market which helps in protecting human beings from deadly infectious diseases. Mosquito Development Process: Mosquitoes go through four stages in their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult or imago. The first three stages are aquatic and last 5–14 days, depending on the species and the ambient temperature. The adult females can live up to a month (or more in captivity) but most probably do not live more than 1–2 weeks in nature. After drinking blood, adult females can lay a raft of 50-300 eggs per oviposition. Anopheles, Ochlerotatus and Aedes, as well as many other genera, do not make egg rafts but lay eggs singly. Culex, Culiseta, and Anopheles lay eggs directly on the water surface and Anopheles are unique in having floats on either side. Eggs are not resistant to drying and hatch within 2–3 days, although hatching may take up to 2–3 weeks in colder climates. In other mosquitos such as Aedes, the female lays her eggs on damp soil that will be flooded by water, typically near a stagnant pool. However, any open container containing water will suffice for larvae development, even with less than 30 ml (one fluid ounce) of water in. Aedes can also breed in running water, so stagnant pools of water are not its only breeding sites. With Haemagogus, the adults tend to live in the canopy of forests; the female lays eggs in between layers of tree bark or in cut bamboo. The eggs adhere to the surface and when submerged by rain water quickly develop into larva. The duration from egg to adult varies considerably among species and is strongly influenced by ambient temperature. Mosquitoes can develop from egg to adult in as little as 5 days but usually take 10–14 days in tropical conditions. The variation of the body size in adult mosquitoes depends on the density of the larval population and food supply within the breeding water. Adult flying mosquitoes frequently rest in grass, shrubbery or other foliage. Mosquitoes Diseases Mosquitoes are a vector agent that carries disease-causing viruses and parasites from person to person without catching the disease themselves. Mosquitoes are estimated to transmit disease to more than 700 million people annually in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and much of Asia with millions of resulting deaths. Methods used to prevent the spread of disease, or to protect individuals in areas where disease is endemic include Vector control aimed at mosquito eradication, disease prevention, using prophylactic drugs and developing vaccines and prevention of mosquito bites, with insecticides, nets and repellents. Since most such diseases are carried by elderly females, scientists have suggested focusing on these to avoid the evolution of resistance. Everybody knows about the problems caused by mosquitoes.† Different kinds of diseases are spread by mosquitoes. Some viral diseases are chikun gunia, dengue fever and serious disease such as malaria are spread by mosquitoes even if we are not bothered with these diseases its very irritating experience, with mosquitoes biting here and there. To get rid of these problems we are using mosquito repellents. DIFFERENT TYPES OF MOSQUITO REPELLENTS There are so many different types of repellents are available in the market. All these repellents help us to protect from different types of mosquitoes to come nearby us and spread various diseases. The various forms of repellent are as follows: COIL LIQUID MAT SPRAY CREAM MESH NET ELECTRICAL BATS AND OTHERS. In most of the Asian countries such as India, Pakistan, srilanka and others, use mostly the traditional coil to the large effect. Slowly, the shift has been seen drifting from coil to other forms of mosquito repellents such as mosquito mats, liquids, and spray although the coil still dominates the sales chart. Potential market for Mosquito Repellent In Indian market there is always a high potential market value for mosquito repellent because of large number of diseases are caused due to the mosquito biting. Earlier people use to get satisfied without using mosquito repellent to protect themselves from fatal mosquitoes but now with the development taking place everywhere, people have realized that it is better to choose mosquito repellents than going for medical treatment for various diseases such as malaria, dengue, HIV etc. Mostly in developing and underdeveloped countries, mosquitoes are the main concern for millions of people living in these countries because countries such as India who is still developing has a lot of work to cover such as pit, dug, poor sewerage, open drainages, untidy surroundings, not properly cleaned atmosphere, road side dusty locations, where people does not bother to throw or spit anywhere in the world are the concerns which let mosquitoes take birth and grow to irritate and cause so many fatal diseases. Keeping all these aspects in mind, one can easily analyze how potential the mosquito repellent in Indian market is. The best thing is it is easily available at almost all the shop and its cost is also very low depending on the products starting from Rs 1.50 onwards. Usage of Mosquito Repellent Customers in Indian Market With over 255 species of mosquitoes, who are responsible for spreading diseases such as malaria and dengue fever? India has a large and growing market for mosquito repellents. Many methods are used in households for dealing with the mosquito menace. In spite of the pervasiveness of the mosquito problem, the use of repellents in India is fairly low. It is estimated that only 16.4% of the households in all urban areas and 22.6% in the metros use mosquito repellents. The figure for the rural areas is even lower, at only 6.9%. In terms of value, the mat segment was the largest (51%), followed by coils (21%) and vaporizers (7%). Coils were the first mosquito repellents to be introduced in the Indian market. The first brand of coils was Tortoise, launched by Bombay Chemicals Ltd. (BCL) in the 1970s. Until 1994, Tortoise remained the market leader in its segment, with a 67% market share. Different Types Of Mosquito Repellent Brands Available In Indian Market Godrej Sara Lee Ltd. Reckitt Benckiser Ltd. Balsara Pvt Ltd. Karamchand Appliances Pvt Ltd. Miracle Cosmetic Product. Baygon Bombay Chemicals Ltd etc. Famous Brands available in Indian Market Godrej Sara Lee Ltd: Godrej Sara Lee is a joint venture company between the Godrej Group, India and Sara Lee Corporation, USA. They are the worlds largest manufacturers of home insecticides. This company is committed to the research and manufacture of quality household insecticides, and holds a substantial market share in the domestic market, with some of the most popular brands like GoodKnight, Jet, Hit and Banish, which have become generic with mosquito repellants today. With values and traditions that stem from the principles on which the foundations of two great conglomerates, Godrej and Sara Lee, were laid, they are able to offer world-class products and services to the Indian and global consumer. Reckitt Benckiser: sells its products in 180 countries and has operations in 60 countries across all continents. Balsara Home products: has introduced Odomos Mosquito Repellent Lotion. It is a unique mosquito repellent with a lovely lingering perfume. The soft, mild and completely safe lotion can be used even on a babys tender skin. It is available in easy to use flip top bottle, keeps your skin soft and free from mosquitoes. Karamchand Appliances Private Limited (KAPL): is perhaps not a familiar name for the average Indian consumer. However, KAPLs brand All Out is very well-known. In fact, the name All Out is almost a generic name for Liquid Vaporizers (vaporizers), a segment of the Rs 4 billion 1 (in 1999) mosquito repellant industry in India. KAPL was almost solely responsible for creating this segment. Within a decade of its launch, All Out had converted a large number of customers into vaporizer users, and had also established itself as the market leader in the segment, with a 69 percent market share in 1999. The success of KAPL is particularly noteworthy, considering the fact that it was a small family-owned company that managed to wrest market share from corporate giants such as Godrej Sara Lee Ltd (GSLL) and Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL) with strong, established brands such as Good Knight, Jet, Tortoise, Baygon and Mortein, amidst stiff competition. Miracle Cosmetic products: have introduced Net Mosquito Coil in Andhra Pradesh and it is rapidly developing as a national product. Customers have accepted the new brand which is able to satisfy the customers to protect from fatalmosquitoes. They offer different kinds of mosquito coil such as small size green color round shape coil, large size red color round shape coil, hexagon type coil as well and many other such as family pack which consists of 30 coils in one box. I describe here Net Mosquito coil, though all coils are basically same with same ingredients and similar packing with similar action.  «Ã‚ « WHY NET PLUS MOSQUITO COIL REFERRED?  »Ã‚ » Jet and Mortein coils are definitely the most preferred brand that has high recall value and highly loyal customers. But with such homogenous products, I wanted to try other products to kind of test its efficacy. One such upcoming brand was NET PLUS by MIRACLE COSMETIC PRODUCTS. I liked their advertisements that pictured hungry mosquitoes on the cover of the coil box that were frustrated and fallen down by the effect of lit Net Plus coil. It appealed a lot to my sadistic mind.  « THE PACKING  »Ã‚ » it comes in a square box with black and red colors. It has a picture of an inverted dead mosquito zapped by a lightening, within which the words â€Å"NET PLUS in Big Bold red and blue color followed by the words strikes even hidden mosquitoes are printed. The pack with 12 coils has a price of Rs 22 MRP. On backside, is a huge white and yellow rhombus with words â€Å"POISON written? Besides there is a mention of chemicals used. Unlike Odomos, the instructions to use the coils are on the packing. The leaflet inside is a tiny piece of paper and it has instructions of usage, Precautions to be taken and First Aid and Antidotes if ingested. But this is crammed in 3 languages in a font letters. The coils come in plastic bag within and a coil stand. The coils come in 6 groups of two, and separating these coils without breaking them requires special skills.  «Ã‚ « THE COILS  »Ã‚ »unlike most other coils that are green in color, Net Plus has reddish brown color, which stands out as u nique. Another aspect is that while others smell bad, this one has a pleasant smell. Also after burning, while other coils tend to suffocate the users, Net Plus coils surprisingly are not suffocating but on the contrary smell good. Another striking feature is that while Tortoise, Odomos etc burn faster, this one burns slowly and steadily, staying for nearly 10 hours, making it the most effective coil available. Moreover the smoke spreads fairly in the room creating virtually a wider mosquito free zone. Chemicals used while most other coils use Allethrin (0.2% w/w), this one uses a slight variant the d-trans Allethrin (0.1% w/w) which is more toxic to insects. Allethrin is a pyrethroid, a synthetic compound that has stomach and respiratory action and paralyzes insects before killing them. I have seen a mosquito that had fallen on the floor literally struggling to survive and then lying still, struggling again and so on and ultimately fall to its side with legs twitching and then die. Allethrin is also toxic to humans and should be kept out of reach of children. It sho uld not be stored in kitchen. Every time one uses it, he/she should wash hands with soap. «Ã‚ « USAGE »Ã‚ » The coil is spiral. The center has a notch and has can be fixed to a sharp pointed edge of coil stand. This stand has a groove where broken coils can be attached. We burn the coil and then place it in the center of the room, under a fan, in the evenings, and with window in open condition for ventilation and to drive away mosquitoes while ensuring that outside ones dont risk coming in. I would advise keep this arrangement in a plate or tray so as to collect the ash that remains after burning the coil  «Ã‚ « OVERALL  »Ã‚ ». If you have to use a coil, I highly recommend you to try Net Plus coils. I am sure you wont be disappointed. I see only the new Herbal Tortoise coils that claim to be safer for children as the sole competitor. Repellent Side Effects 12% of people who are using regularly mosquito coils are prone to serious diseases. Allergy is also common among them. Most of the coils which emit smoke contain a very harmful pesticide called DDT. DDT is a highly poisons substance which has to be eradicated from earth itself. Pyrethrum, allethrin is some of the substances which are contained in mosquito coils. Pyrethrum produced is highly harmful to human beings and leads to respiratory diseases. The allethrin which is contained in mosquito coils can affect the brain growth of children. It is strictly advised that pregnant ladies should not use mosquito coils. Mosquito coils and insecticides are to be avoided strictly. But because of this we cannot bear the mosquito bite. Here are some safety measures which we can implement at home. The ventilations and doors can be provided with nets inside the house. This will prevent mosquitoes to enter the house. Provide your bed with a mosquito net during evening or specially while sleeping time. Its better to use lotions to avoid mosquitoes than mosquito coils. Its very important to be aware of these facts and we should try our level best to help our family and friends to lead a healthy lifestyle. Mosquitoes are estimated to transmit disease to more than 700 million people annually in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and much of Asia with millions of resulting deaths. The best way to eliminate all mosquitoes is to find their leader and bite it. Ridiculous as it may sound but this is what a kid came up with when we questioned them during one of our awareness drive in the last year. Well, on a more serious tone, best way is to kill their larvae by means of adding chemicals and toxics in puddles and non-flowing stagnant water. Though we would leave this act to Pest Control or Municipal Corporation (in my case), what we could do at our end is to keep our surroundings clean and tell others around to do the same. Yet, however much we try; these pesky warriors come in throng and attack us while we are sleeping. We may be quick to squash a few of them with our hands, but that leaves our hands dirty with blood stains and is definitely not a wise solution. and besides, what if we go out on camps or to some other locality, say, a hostel. What then? The answer is coils. I remember my grandmother burn the fibrous remains of a coconut in a vessel in the evening hours when the mosquitoes wake up for their breakfast. The result would be a smoky house but yes, it would definitely choke the mosquitoes away. But it would also suffocate us. The mosquito coils are built on a simi lar concept. Tortoise was the first brand that introduced such coils in India and is still quite a famous household name. It does have some competition from Mortein, Jet, and Odomos (famous for skin ointment) and now miracle cosmetic products have introduced into the mosquito repellent industry. DATA ANALYSIS Facts and Figures about Malaria, Dengue, Yellow fever Do you know, that 40 million people suffer from mosquito diseases annually in India. 2 million cases of malaria alone are reported in India. India spends around 100 million dollars on malaria. Malaria, dengue and yellow fever are the result of low hygiene sanitation and poor insect control. Insects The disease they cause- Mosquitoes Malaria, dengue fever, brain fever, filariasis, yellow fever Cockroaches Cholera, dysentery, typhoid, T.B. and leprosy Houseflies Cholera, dysentery, typhoid, T.B. Bed Bugs Skin diseases PRECAUTIONS Firstly you shouldnt allow water to stagnate, as this forms a breeding ground for malarias deadly carriers, the anopheles mosquitoes. At community level, water shouldnt be allowed to stagnate and all such site should be drained, covered with DDT. At home, you should change water in flowerpots, buckets, coolers etc at least twice a week. Mosquito nets and door screens also help. While these methods are useful they are neither convenient nor useful. Mosquito repellants like mats, coils, refills, etc should be regularly used to keep mosquitoes away. Dengue Fever is an acute infectious viral disease usually affecting infants and young children. It is characterized by fever during the initial phase and other symptoms like headache, pain in the eye, joint pain and muscle pain, followed by signs of bleeding such as red tiny spots on the skin, nosebleed and gum-bleed. If there is blood in the stools and/or blood in the vomit and accompanied by shock, this is called Dengue Shock Syndrome and is often fatal. Aedes, Aegypti, the transmitter of the disease is a day-biting mosquito that lays eggs in clear water containers, such as flower vases, cans, rain barrels, old rubber tires, etc. The adult mosquitoes rest in dark places of the house. Regarding safety with insect repellent use on children and pregnant women: Children may be at greater risk for adverse reactions to repellents, in part, because their exposure may be greater. Keep repellents out of the reach of children. Do not allow children to apply repellents to themselves. Use only small amounts of repellent on children. Do not apply repellents to the hands of young children because this may result in accidental eye contact or ingestion. Try to reduce the use of repellents by dressing children in long sleeves and long pants tucked into boots or socks whenever possible. Use netting over strollers, playpens, etc. As with chemical exposures in general, pregnant women should take care to avoid exposures to repellents when practical, as the fetus may be vulnerable. Regardless of which repellent product used, it is recommended that the label is read before use and directions carefully followed. Usage instructions for repellents vary from country to country. Some insect repellents are not recommended for use on younger children. Mosquito Preventive Measures Some mosquito problems can be eliminated by local residents. This could possibly reduce the number of costly applications during the season, especially in a cooperative effort. The preventative measures are as follows: Clean and maintain catch basins that hold water. Collect and properly discard all useless artificial containers such as cans bottles and old tire casings etc. Cover or turn over other containers such as boats, barrels, tubs and tanks. Inspect and clean rain gutters and down spouts regularly Fill or drain low places where water may accumulate and stand for more than one week. Properly maintain backyard swimming pools. Objectives of the study Study the customers awareness and behavior after the usage of the product offered to him or her. To draw out the customer satisfaction levels. To build a good customer relationship. To take care necessary measure to improve goods and services offered to customer. To compare satisfaction of the company vis-à  -vis major competitors. To minimize the side effects of the mosquito repellent as this is suffocating stuff. To develop such a strong brand of repellent as it will be helpful to protect from mosquitoes and reduce or minimize the diseases caused by the mosquitoes. Customer satisfaction A thorough understanding of the fast changing â€Å"consumer behavior†, is the new market segments and product opportunities along with sensitivity to changing customer needs, form the core of Mosquito repellent marketing strategy and philosophy. In India, we essentially have a completely â€Å"customer-driven approach.† A nation-wide dealer network comprising of over thousands of dealers, franchise holders for mosquito repellent, ensures convenient access to the companies products across the country. With a deep sense of belonging to the Mosquito repellent fraternity, the companys dealer network has catalyzed growth and acted as a strong bridge between the customers and the companies. The respective companies have undertaken a steady up gradation of technologies and methods, there has been diversifications and setting up of newer establishments to meet stringent international standards. DELIVERING HIGH CUSTOMER VALUE The key to generating high customer loyalty is to deliver high customer value. According to Michael Jose, in his delivering profitable value, a company must design a competitively superior value proposition aimed at a specific market segment, becked by a superior value delivery system. â€Å"The value proposition consists of the whole cluster of benefits the company promises to deliver, it is more than the core positioning of the offering. For example, Volvos core positioning is â€Å"safety â€Å" but the buyer is promised more than just a safe car, other benefits include a long-lasting car, good service, and along warranty period. Basically, the value proposition is a statement about the resulting experience customers will gain from the companies market offering and from their relationship with the supplier. The brand must represent a promise about the total experience customers can expect. Whether the promise is kept depends on the companys ability to manage its value delivery system. The value delivery system includes all the experiences the customer will have on the way to obtaining and using the offering. DEFINING CUSTOMER VALUE AND SATISFACTION Over 38 years ago, Peter Ducker observed that a companys first task is to create customers, â€Å"however, customers face a vast array of product and brand choices, prices, and suppliers. How do they make their choices? CUSTOMER PERCEIVED VALUE Our premise is that customers will buy from the firm that they see as offering the highest perceived value. Customers perceived value (CPV) is the difference between the prospective customers evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives. Total customer value is the perceived monetary value of the bundle of economic, functional, and psychological benefits customers expect from a given market offering. Total customer cost is the bundle of costs customers expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using, and disposing of the given market offering. Delivering customer value and satisfaction In a hyper competitive economy with increasingly rational buyers, a company can only win by creating and delivering superior value. This involves the following five capabilities: undemanding customer value: creating customer value, delivering customer value, capturing customer value, and sustaining customer value. To succeed, companies need to use the concepts of value chain and a value-delivery network. Value chain Michael Procter of Harvard university proposed the value chain as a tool for identifying ways to create more customer value _ is a synthesis of activities that are performed to design produce market, deliver, and support its product. The value chain identifies nice strategically relevant activities that create value and cost in a specific business. These nine value –creating activities. These core business processes include: The market sensing process: All the activities involved in gathering market intelligence, disseminating, in within the organization, and acting on the information. The new offering realization process: All the activities involved in researching, developing, and launching new high-quality offerings quickly and within budget. The customer acquisition process: All the activities involved in defining target markets and prospecting for new customers. The customer relationship management process: All the activities involved in building deeper understanding, relationships, and offerings to individual customers. The fulfillment management process: All the activities involved in receiving and approving orders, shipping the goods on time, and collecting payment. SATISFYING CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS Studies of customer dissatisfaction show that customers are dissatisfied with their purchases about 25% of the time but that only about 5% complaint. The other 95% either feel complaining is not worth the effort, or they do not know how or to whom to complain. Of the 5% who complain, only about 50% report a satisfactory problem resolution. Yet the need to resolve a customer problem in a satisfactory manner is critical. On an average, a satisfied customer tells three people about a good product experience, but the average dissatisfied customer gripes to 11 people. If each of them tells the other people, the number of people exposed to bad word of mouth may grow exponentially. NEED FOR SURVEY Need For Survey â€Å"The only job security to anybody in the company comes from quality, productivity and satisfied customers.† – Philip Kotler. The above statement signifies the importance of the customer satisfaction for any business to become successful. This aspect gains the more significance with regard to. NEEDS AND GOALS FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Most of the Marketers see the goal of Marketing as that maximizing not consumption but also customer satisfaction. Every company exists because the goods or services produced by the company should satisfy the needs of customers. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION The basic method adopted in conducting the study is a structured questionnaire. Questionnaire is administrated in the sample respondents. However, there are certain cases where personal interactive method is followed with customer to find out the service satisfaction level. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Many organizations have got a clue how the customers perceive the goods and services. Firstly, customer may buy a given products or services simply because there is no other option and they would prefer to purchase what you are offering them to go with out altogether. Secondly, the fact that a product of services may be accepted does not mean that it will continue to sell. Competitors may see opportunity customer exceptions may change customer tastes may move on, if standard do not rise and products and services evolve, and then downwards sales will appear. A worse situation arises when the organization has not got a clue of the customers perceptions. Another situation is when the organization does not have a clue of their customers perceptions and dont cares either the organization may believe that it is a monopoly situation and its customers cannot go elsewhere. Some organizations believe that it knows best that customers should want and therefore supply them with a centrally designed product. If resultant product of services has deceits, then it is perceived to be a problem for the customers. Some organizations solicit customer feedback or get it anyway whether they like it of not and then do nothing about it. Finally, we come to the point where we realize how important customer feedback in the case of an organization which helps the organizations to determine how effectively it is serving the customer and determine customer satisfaction? This feedback answers the following questions to find out. Who is our customer? When are they

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wal-Mart Case Study Essays -- Business Analysis Wal Mart

Wal-Mart Case Study Case Review and Recommendations As we have reviewed and studied the strategy, culture, finances and the challenges and successes at Wal-Mart, there are many strategies we see that the company must undertake to hold its dominate position and drive further growth. Herein, we define our top four. These core strategies include: rebuild and recreate its reputation in the face of recent challenges; continue to show price leadership; improve the customer experience; and drive international growth. The financial performance of Wal-Mart continues to be strong. It delivered another record year in 2008 as total net sales increased 8.6 percent to $375 billion. Yet, earnings growth rates and same store sales have slowed. And, the company faces a number of challenges to its operating procedures, reputation and growth prospects. Given the company’s stated objectives of â€Å"growing operating income faster than sales† and increasing shareholder value, the strategies we recommend will directly affect the company’s ability to overcome present challenges and meet these primary financial objectives. Reputation and Brand A key strategic objective, perhaps the most critical for the company going forward, is to rebuild and recreate its reputation. While brand and reputation are closely interlinked, author and business consultant, John Foley, differentiates the two attributes in this manner: â€Å"Brand is inside out. Reputation is outside in† (Foley 3). Wal-Mart’s reputation has waned in the past several years and, according to Foley, â€Å"the... ...and - its promise, image and emotion that it creates - remains relatively strong. The Wal-Mart mission of â€Å"saving people money so they can live better† is clearly and consistently communicated. However, Wal-Mart’s reputation, the â€Å"outside in† view, built on direct experiences, outside opinions, rumors and judgments, must be strengthened. The pillar of its overall business strategy – price leadership – must be maintained. The company’s power and influence can be used to create positive affects in consumers’ lives, not only in their wallets. Finally, growth opportunities exist in the US and beyond. In order to deliver growing shareholder value, the company must continue to reach into emerging markets.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Learning in SChool

Throughout all my school years there have been many different teachers that have Impacted my life. But there has been one that has truly changed so much of me today, Professor Duran. When I use to think of the term favorite for a teacher I would see it on a teacher who is easy and does not give a work load, but now its different. A favorite teacher to me is someone who cares for their students and makes their greatest effort to teach you what they know even if it requires true dedication from the students side.Professor Duran was a teacher who wanted her students to see the importance of he unjustly ways society is; well at least in English IA. Am sure she would have wanted us to learn much more but within Just one semester was too much to squeeze In. She is a very unique teacher than what I have ever encountered, there has been professors who really do care about their students and advice them but there is teachers like Duran who can get deeper than your soul.The way she taught and she demolished every single piece of critical thinking within us was what really taught me to see things different. She opened up my eyes to not only see the obvious but also more beyond the surface. I came out of professor Durance's class a whole totally different person who looked at society much more distinct. Maybe she did make us put in more effort than what we were to enforcing in every assignment. Onto know how but this taught me to see everything In a positive way, to wake up every day In the morning with a where I envision myself five years from now. How everyday I am a step closer to where I want to be even if its frustrating, or overwhelming but I have to fight through it. It wasn't the way she taught that made me love her style but the way she put her heart In every single day to teach us. That Is what makes a great teacher, a person who can every day come to class and pour her soul into teaching, who truly cares about her students.Professor Duran has a heart of real, tr ue loving person. Learning in SChool By Jimenez impacted my life. But there has been one that has truly changed so much of me squeeze in. She is a very unique teacher than what I have ever encountered, there assignment. I don't know how but this taught me to see everything in a positive way, to wake up every day in the morning with a where I envision myself five years from heart in every single day to teach us. That is what makes a great teacher, a person

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cloning How Far Will it Go essays

Cloning How Far Will it Go essays Everyday people find themselves at a crossroads that requires a decision as to which path to follow. In the past few years, scientists have gained knowledge about cloning that could impact our lives for centuries to come. As a society we are at a crossroads and we will have to decide how to use this knowledge. Will we choose to increase our power over nature or will we develop a partnership? There are many benefits of cloning, but do they outweigh the possibility of losing genetic diversity, facing genetic discrimination, and the scary consequences portrayed in science fiction books like Brave New World and 1984, and movies like Gattaca and Planet of the Apes. Cloning is the production of a genetically identical duplicate of an organism? (Hawley 1). In a sense, many plants, algae, unicellular organisms, and even humans naturally produce identical offspring. For example, the dandelion reproduces asexually to create a copy of itself. As a species it has reached a plateau and can no longer progress. Within the human species, identical twins are essentially clones. The division of the embryo produces two embryos with the exact same genetic information. The consequence of a species only producing asexually is the loss of genetic diversity, which can have adverse effects on a species. There is a gray area between the benefits and the problems of cloning. Some people may say that anything that improves the lives of humans is a benefit, but I disagree. Human cloning needs to be restricted. If taken to the extreme, human cloning could be disastrous to mankind. First of all, asexual reproduction creates a population with the same genetic information which eliminates genetic diversity. Without diversity, one disease could wipe out the whole population because no person would be able to fight a disease any better than anyone else. In Brave New World, the author writes about 'making ninety-six human beings grow where only ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Australian Wheat Board

Australian Wheat Board Australian Wheat Board Australian Wheat Board (AWB) Limited is a grain marketing organization based in Australia. It had been a government body since its commencement in 1937 until 1 July 1999 when it was handed over to the Australian wheat growers. AWB is organized into three divisions: rural services, financial services, and the commodity management unit. In this arrangement, the rural services division supplies the products to the retail stores that distribute the commodities to the rural areas of Australia while the commodity management provides the products to the global customers in more than 50 countries. Even though this organization has got various ethical standards to be followed by its employees, it has also faced challenges from the corruption scandals which occurred in the mid 2000s (Botterill 41). The specific fraud issue that affected the organization is corruption scandals which took place in 2005. It took the form of bribery and kickbacks which were paid to Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi leader. The fraud occurred in 2005 when the company was alleged to ignore the United Nations sanctions and the Australian law which forbids such actions. This companys action was meant to help to retain the commodity exchange business between Iraq and the company. The illegal action resulted into a 230 million dollars compensation for the damages caused to the North American farmers when they lost their market due to corruption. The organization also lost its monopoly status again the management was changed. At this particular time, Andrew Lindberg was the managing director and was fined 100000 U.S dollars. while Paul Ingleby was the chief financial officer, who later paid 10000 U.S dollars as fine. Another fraud the company faced was that of obtaining financial advantage through deception and giving of misleading information to the auditors in the year 2000 by the then AWB chairman, Clinton Condon. The fraud, which also made the organization to realize a loss of 12.5 million, started when two employees, Mark Timleris and Claire Horsman falsified some contracts and fabricated reports to the banks. They also engaged the organization in speculative foreign exchange trades so as to hide the company losses for several years before they told Clinton in the year 2000. However, Clinton went ahead and signed the audited financial statements in 2001 despite him being aware that they were faulty. Both the two employees and Clinton were therefore put into jail. In all these scandals, it is evident that the ethical standards breached are the requirement to avoid any financial deception and the need to report any to report any form of ethics violation as was done by the two employees and Cli nton. Also the managing director failed to honour the market guiding standards (Botterill 113). Concerning the making of ethical decisions within the organization, the management of the company has come up with various ideas for realizing the best code of ethics whenever an ethical problem has been realized. Its first step is the identification of the problem. In this case, the management commits itself to establish the exact ethical problems which need to be tackled. Thereafter, it analyses the code of ethics relevant to that particular problem in order to find out whether there is any drawback in the standards (Botterill 458). The management then determines the nature and dimensions of the dilemma in order to find out the extent of damage caused by the subject problem. Various problem solving actions are then proposed by the management to exploit all the possibilities. Thereafter, the possible courses of actions are evaluated and the best one is selected to solve the ethical problem. Finally, the chosen course of action is tested, evaluated, and implemented when the organizat ion is sure that it will give an ethical solution to the current ethical problem (Botterill 459). The Australian Wheat Board operations are also guided by the various rules and regulations which are categorized into two components. These components are the business practices and the personal conduct of the staff. The staff members behaviors are guided by various rules which include the requirement to regularly read the codes of conduct so as to continually familiarize themselves with any change. The employees are also required to comply with the code of conduct and seek for clarification from the human resource department on the scope of such guiding principles. Employees are also given the responsibility to report any form of ethics violation by any party within the organization. They are also required to comply and support any investigation involving the breach of code and the companys policies and procedures (Lindberg 3). The organizations code of conducts further states that the employees may also not accept incentives or inducements from organizations, since such incentives may be compromising to the employees work obligations. However, the company has also stated the circumstances under which an employee can accept such gifts. For instance, a gift or benefit can only be accepted when they value less than 300 dollars. But in cases where the amount is greater and its rejection may imply negatively to the company, they can be accepted after notifying the managing director. Emphasis is also put on ensuring that the employees loyalty to the other staff members and management does not compromise the appropriate standards of ethical behavior and courses of actions (Lindberg 5). Lindberg, (10) further states that the management of the company is also required to protect the employees from any victimization for whistle blowing over misconducts by any member of the both the junior and senior staff. Additionally, it requires treating all the employees without any form of discrimination. Finally, the companys employees should not take the advantage of private information, as it can negatively affect the organization. On the other hand, business practices codes of conduct are the rules guiding the behavior of the people acting on behalf of the company. These practices include the avoidance of deception and unfair practices against other stakeholders. The employees should also practice honesty and good faith while dealing with other stakeholders. Employees are also required to respect their obligations in taking care of the AWB assets, resources, and confidential information (Lindberg 11). Purchasing of contracts is also required to be conducted in ethical manner. It involves making arrangements in accordance to the AWB tender requirements which emphasizes fairness, equality, and the clear statement of the contract requirements while handling the potential contractors. Finally, all the employees are required to maintain the professional standards of dressing and general presentation (Lindberg 16). Conclusion As demonstrated in the Australian Wheat Board, it is evident that ethics should be observed in every organization for a smooth running and for a positive image.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Money Saver Essays - Security Engineering, Computer Security

Money Saver Essays - Security Engineering, Computer Security Money Saver Create an application to manage budget on daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis. The application only generates alerts and messages for the user by reading his accounts and does not have any kind of writing or editing access for the accounts. Basic Features: The user will first enter his own account on the application by entering his details like name, DOB, gender, phone number, email address, username and an password for the account. The user will enter the information of all the credit and debit cards he owns in the application and also the bank account detail s. The application will access the bank account and will get read-only values from the bank and display them. The user will enter his income for every day/week/month /year. The user will enter his savings for every day/week/month/year. The user will enter his budget for every day/week/month. The user will also enter a certain amount or percentage as a penalty/interest if he exceeds the budget. The user will get several alerts from the application as to when he reaches the half and when he is near to his complete budget. The user will also get a warning when he has used up all his budget. If user exceeds the budget, he will have to repay the amount he used on the next cycle with penalty/interest which is decided by him. If he fails to do so the interest amount will keep on increasing every cycle. All the expenses will be stored in the application which he will be able to access to check and keep track of them. Extra Features: If the user is going on a trip or vacation. The application will help him in setting a vacation budget. The user will have to enter the vacation details as to how long he is going , where he is going , cost of staying, traveling and if he is going with family or friends and where he is going. The application will also have an option for family vacation budget if he is going with family or individual (for himself) vacation budget if he is going with friends or something. He will get time to time alerts as he is using the budget. If he uses some extra money, he will have to return it during the next cycle with interest (decided by user). The interest amount will go on increasing if he fails to completely return the extra money. Security: Account Security: The user will have to create an account in order to use the application. The account password will be highly sensitive. The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least 1 upper-case character, 1 special character , 2 numbers, no spaces. The password will then be encrypted and stored in the database. Once the application is installed on the device, it will authorise the device. The application can be authorised to maximum of two devices only. The username will be remembered by the device but he user will have to enter the password every time he tries to login. The application will have two-way authentication. If the user tries to login from any other device, application will send a code via text message or email, the user will have to enter the code in order to login. Bank Details Security: As I don't possess much knowledge about security so it would be risky if I handle the security of the bank details instead, I can use third party applications to store them or ask an expert to build a secure system for me. As if the information is hacked. It will be disastrous and I would face a huge loss and won't be able to pay the debts. This can also be done for Account Security. As it would be easy for me as I would not have to deal with any kind of security and the issues related to it .

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What Industrial Relations Is Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

What Industrial Relations Is - Article Example This essay will discuss the role of industrial relations in the fast-changing business world, modern work environment. Industrial relations are supposed to bring harmony between the two relevant parties i.e. employees and employers. In simple terms industrial relationships can be called multidisciplinary field that refers to the employment relationship. Sometimes it is also named employment relationship because of the negligible importance of non industrial employment relationship. But to consider it just as labor relations is an oversimplification because it has much more to it. There are a number of researchers who assume that Industrial relations study has become obsolete and proposed closure of UK’s most study centers on the subject as Darlington1. They believe that academic-industrial relations are obsolete and are no more required. It has been replaced and dealt better in newer subjects such as HRM, Human resource management and OB organizational behavior. These subjects deal with the human factor while industrial relations study focuses on the collective approach. Collective institutions and processes (trade unions, strike and collective bargaining. Indeterminacy in the sense, that unlike other contracts it does not involve physical exchange of goods and services for money. But the contract is made on the basis of the capacity to perform and produce the desirable and the potential to purchase those goods services. In the labor contract a worker or employee only sells his ability to work which is intangible which can only be materialized when the actual work is done and the worker is involved in the production process.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Out line a plan to work with one client Assignment

Out line a plan to work with one client - Assignment Example The dependent variable can be withdrawn or varied as is necessary to the study. Single research design is the most applicable because it provides a framework for one on one work with a single client. Single research design focuses only on a single subject as the name suggests. As an alternative to group research design, single system design is structured differently in such a way that it can easily adapt to social work practice. As a result, it is the most accurate method of research on interventions and other social work practices (Royse, 2009). The process of single-system design entails identifying target problems, undertaking pre-intervention measures, providing the intervention, taking additional measures and evaluating the efficacy of the intervention. Multiple base designs will ensure that the client does not reverse to the old behaviors during the withdrawal phase. As the name suggests, multiple baseline designs introduces the baselines in sequence. For instance, the baseline for self-efficacy may last for four sessions while the baseline for parenting skills may last for seven sessions. These baseline sessions may overlap, allowing the researcher to determine the behaviors influenced by the intervention while controlling for the external events. On the other hand, Single-system design is the best choice since it focuses on the individual and not a group. Contrary to group design, single system is concerned with whether an intervention works for the client while the group design is concerned with the average change. It delivers a framework that allows the practitioner to asses and specifies the client’s goals, implement interventions, safely terminate with the client and perform follow up activities. SSD was created speci fically to address social work practice that group designs could not. As such, it is most suited for social practitioners especially in evaluations of efficacy of their programs with

Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media - Essay Example At this point, I have to admit the fact that media plays a significant role in my life and relationships by having a more or less positive impact on my life. Since I am a student, I rely heavily on the media to provide me with all sorts of information and ideas that I need in my career and personal life. The mainstream media that have a lot of impact on many people including the students are the television, radio, print media, and broadcast media. With the print media, I normally comb through the pages of various newspapers and magazines for various information. For instance, I can read the entertainment news while at the same time be updated on the latest news across the globe. Additionally, newspapers are a very good source of education especially for college students who have to keep abreast of world both regional and world affairs. When it comes to radio, I love listening to a wide variety of both local and international channels that offer insightful programs besides entertainin g me with the genres of music that I love. Frankly speaking, an hour of listening to radio makes my day and in cannot imagine my life without listening to the radio. Perhaps the most robust of all the broadcast media outlets is the television that provides both the visual and audio effects to the information being relayed. Technology has indisputably revolutionized the methods and techniques of disseminating information especially by the mainstream media. A classic example of this technology is the digital broadcast that has made it possible to keep updated with the latest news via the internet. With the advent of the internet technology, the social media also sprung up making the world a... This essay approves that technology has indisputably revolutionized the methods and techniques of disseminating information especially by the mainstream media. A classic example of this technology is the digital broadcast that has made it possible to keep updated with the latest news via the internet. With the advent of the internet technology, the social media also sprung up making the world a smaller village through globalization. While their pioneers claim that the intention of the social media was to cover a relatively small geographical area in connecting people, the interest in the same grew to the level that they had to go global. Some of the major social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube. Through these social networking sites, I am able to chat with friends and family thus keeping my personal relationship with them healthy and vibrant. Additionally, the social media enables interactive sharing of crucial information including the participation o f both the public and the corporate world. This report makes a conclusion that the media, both social and mainstream media, have taken the center stage in everyone’s’ life particularly to the students. Besides, the global population has developed a kind of obsession for such media outlets as the television due to its intensive and extensive dissemination of ideas and information through visual and audio perspectives. The evolution of media has particularly made it possible for many media houses to venture into the practice thus providing clients with a wide variety of information.

Foundations of Finance and Financial Management Assignment

Foundations of Finance and Financial Management - Assignment Example 4) There could be multiple reasons why this "free rating" would have angered the issuer of bonds. It could be because that the rating company is not familiar with the firm policies and has not taken into account some of the necessary information that would have given a completely different angle or picture to the bond rating. Similarly, the rating published by this company could have "put-off" some of the potential investors from investing into these bonds and hence the issuer of the bonds would have lose some of the potential money that they could have borrowed by issuing bonds. 2) The logic behind this model is that dividend grows at a constant rate in perpetuity. By perpetuity we mean that the dividend payments will continue forever and hence the value of stock will be equal to next year's dividend divided by required rate of return minus assumed dividend growth. 3) There are multiple reasons for that. The first reason is those preferred stockholders have a immediate claim on company's profit which is before the real owners of the company- ordinary stockholder. Similarly, the dividend percentage is fixed and if the company cannot pay it in the current year, it will have to pay it in the future.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Symbolism or Theme of the Story of Peter Pan Research Paper

Symbolism or Theme of the Story of Peter Pan - Research Paper Example The essay hereby aims to discuss the various symbolisms used in the story: ranging from the shadow, the manifestation of illusion, the kiss, acorn, crocodile, ticking clock and childhood. There are diverse forms of symbolism in the story. There is initially the shadow – the cause of Peter Pan’s sadness in trying to catch it and to have it reunited to himself. The shadow has been known to symbolize mystery and it cannot be seen without a form of illumination. It could also be interpreted as an alter ego: something integral to oneself that could exemplify characteristics and traits that parallel exactly one’s identity; but when viewed more closely, from an illumined wall or blank space, it could reflect an exact opposite of oneself. For Peter Pan, the shadow could symbolize escaping from fantasy into reality: from a magical world at Neverland, to the real world where children grow old. As such, Peter Pan’s sadness of losing it and trying to catch it manifest s his desire to remain eternally young and to live forever in a land of adventure and magic. By Wendy’s being able to catch it and tie it to Peter Pan by sewing the shadow to him, Wendy established a strong bond of attachment which assisted in regaining Peter Pan’s embodiment of freedom, youth, vitality, and carefreeness. Another symbolism was Peter Pan’s indication that he should not be touched. It indicates that Peter Pan was elusive and seems like just an illusion to many. As emphasized by Bjornsdottir, â€Å"not being able to touch him is a confirmation that he is an idea or concept and does not really exist† (12). This symbolism was also stressed in the message that indicates adults could not see him, as cited: â€Å"In his author’s comments he writes: â€Å"You can’t see Peter if you are old. They think he is a draught at the corner† (5.2 151). The comment refers to the people in the street who are too old to see Peter as he ho vers above it at Wendy’s window† (Bjornsdottir 14). The symbol of illusion persisted throughout the story as indicative of Peter Pan’s supposed magical persona which the author could have intended to remain the ultimate mystery in the main character’s identity: fleeting, elusive, dreamlike. Furthermore, there is symbolism in the kiss that was supposedly given to Wendy. According to Linwood, â€Å"the kiss represents not only Wendy's affection for Peter and her maturity beyond his, but also her compassion towards Peter in his moment of weakness. In exchange, Peter gives her an acorn† (par. 4). The acorn again is another symbol for strength and a token of appreciation for Wendy’s assisting him in catching his shadow. As a result, it was instrumental in saving Wendy’s life when it was disclosed that â€Å"the acorn on the chain around her neck, stops the arrow which Tootles fired at her on Tinkerbell’s command† (Linwood par. 5). Through the kiss which symbolized their affection for each other, it was revealed in further stories about Wendy when she eventually became old that despite aging, she could still apparently see him as he tries to visit Wendy’s grandchildren. In another scene, there is also symbolism in the crocodile that apparently ate Hook’s arm when Peter Pan supposedly cut it off in one of their previous encounters. The crocodile symbolizes death. It was reported to be following Hook ever since his arm was eaten by this

Successful security management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Successful security management - Research Paper Example The various area of security that needs attention include: Dalton (2003) traces the roots of contemporary corporate security back to the role of the night watchman prior to the 1960s. In this guise the job of security personnel within businesses entailed little more than acting as a lookout with a primary role of early warning in case of incidents such as fire. Throughout the 1960s and into the latter half of the 20th century this limited early role began to expand and fire watches began to take on more classical security duties including controlling access and egress from properties, patrolling and maintaining perimeter fences and general guarding duties (Gill, 2006). Dalton terms this the ‘Green Shack Era’ as activities were typically based out of such shacks located by the main gate (Gill, 2006). While security management progressed at varying speeds within industries different and between individual organizations a growing role for security departments within the corporate world was apparent. For the most part it moved out of the so-called green shacks and into offices embarking on what Dalton describes as the ‘Physical Security Era’ (Gill, 2006). With the arrival of the physical security era corporate security continued to perform duties such as security patrols but in addition took on responsibilities for responding to medical emergencies, controlling traffic, monitoring equipment, escorting employees and staffing front desks (Gill, 2006). This entirely defensive approach to corporate security could be considered the trademark of the physical security era and to an extent it remains the ethos behind security departments in many large businesses today (Gill, 2006). One of the effects of globalization has been a proliferation in the number of threats which face large organizations with exposure to operational risks all over the world. This in turn has made the job of protecting businesses much more complicated and means the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Foundations of Finance and Financial Management Assignment

Foundations of Finance and Financial Management - Assignment Example 4) There could be multiple reasons why this "free rating" would have angered the issuer of bonds. It could be because that the rating company is not familiar with the firm policies and has not taken into account some of the necessary information that would have given a completely different angle or picture to the bond rating. Similarly, the rating published by this company could have "put-off" some of the potential investors from investing into these bonds and hence the issuer of the bonds would have lose some of the potential money that they could have borrowed by issuing bonds. 2) The logic behind this model is that dividend grows at a constant rate in perpetuity. By perpetuity we mean that the dividend payments will continue forever and hence the value of stock will be equal to next year's dividend divided by required rate of return minus assumed dividend growth. 3) There are multiple reasons for that. The first reason is those preferred stockholders have a immediate claim on company's profit which is before the real owners of the company- ordinary stockholder. Similarly, the dividend percentage is fixed and if the company cannot pay it in the current year, it will have to pay it in the future.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Successful security management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Successful security management - Research Paper Example The various area of security that needs attention include: Dalton (2003) traces the roots of contemporary corporate security back to the role of the night watchman prior to the 1960s. In this guise the job of security personnel within businesses entailed little more than acting as a lookout with a primary role of early warning in case of incidents such as fire. Throughout the 1960s and into the latter half of the 20th century this limited early role began to expand and fire watches began to take on more classical security duties including controlling access and egress from properties, patrolling and maintaining perimeter fences and general guarding duties (Gill, 2006). Dalton terms this the ‘Green Shack Era’ as activities were typically based out of such shacks located by the main gate (Gill, 2006). While security management progressed at varying speeds within industries different and between individual organizations a growing role for security departments within the corporate world was apparent. For the most part it moved out of the so-called green shacks and into offices embarking on what Dalton describes as the ‘Physical Security Era’ (Gill, 2006). With the arrival of the physical security era corporate security continued to perform duties such as security patrols but in addition took on responsibilities for responding to medical emergencies, controlling traffic, monitoring equipment, escorting employees and staffing front desks (Gill, 2006). This entirely defensive approach to corporate security could be considered the trademark of the physical security era and to an extent it remains the ethos behind security departments in many large businesses today (Gill, 2006). One of the effects of globalization has been a proliferation in the number of threats which face large organizations with exposure to operational risks all over the world. This in turn has made the job of protecting businesses much more complicated and means the

Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Global Warming Essay Every day we go about our own business. Many of us never take the time to look around and see how we are affecting our earth’s atmosphere. Everywhere you look today you are bound to see some factory or machinery polluting our air. Just think how many times you have seen those large semi trucks or big fossil fuel factories emitting thick dark smoke into the atmosphere. We need to come to reality and realize that all that polluting we have been doing over the last half-century is finally catching up to us. It is very easy to detect through scientific research that our earth’s climate is changing, Time magazine reports in its 2004 issue that the earth’s average temperature is increasing at a steady rate. Yes, we all have heard the term â€Å"global warming†, however many people don’t know in depth what global warming is, or how our actions will affect our earth if we don’t respond to the issue. If we can educate ourselves on what global warming is and how it will affect us in the near and far future, we can then begin to change our old habits of polluting and create new habits and goals to living in a much healthier and cleaner environment. During the earliest times, the life-styles of our ancestors were very simple. The air they breathed was clean. The streams were clear and free of harmful organisms. They used natural fertilizers for their agricultural crops. The surroundings were free of household throwaways. Today, there has been a tremendous growth in science and technology. Such advances have brought about changes in terms of new products, improved equipment, and more effective methodologies. Unfortunately, this same technology which made life easier for us produced wastes which are now affecting the quality of our surrounding air, water, and land. Factories and motor vehicles send tons of pollutants into our air. Excessive air pollution poses a danger to our health and environment. It can likewise cause stunted growth and even death to our plants. Out streams are polluted by discharges from industrial plants that use chemicals. Garbage and sink wastes are carelessly thrown in our surroundings. Synthetic fertilizers and insecticides pollute our land and farm products. At the same time, the burning of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, produces sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are hazardous to the atmosphere. Findings show that a single smokestack may produce as much as 500 tons of sulfur dioxide a day. When these gases combine with oxygen and moisture, sulfuric acid and nitric acid is formed. The rain will carry the acids to the ground (acid rain) which may cause the depletion of calcium and magnesium in the soil, elements needed by plants for the formation of chlorophyll and wood, or it may cause the release of aluminum in the soil, which are poisonous and can kill the roots of trees. How can we take care of our environment? We must undertake measures to preserve our resources and minimize utilization of energy before it’s too late. Our fight against pollution is an initial step toward conserving our environmental resources and energy. We must all join hands for this common goal. Furthermore, of all issues affecting humanity, climate change is the most pervasive and truly global, posing a very real and serious threat to our environment. Climate change is the alteration of the pattern of global climate that may be due to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) in Bank Study

Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) in Bank Study The importance of human resource management cannot be undervalued in todays intensely competitive global market place. The reason for this is that there is a very small margin for error from becoming a market leader to becoming a market joke. A lot of emphasizes is now put on good human resource management, as it is the difference between employing a qualified work force and hiring inept workers. Human resource management nowadays is not just about employing people or drafting work policies; it is also about being able to rapidly respond to customers needs and competitors moves. In Abbey Nation Bank human resources is viewed as a source of having a competitive advantage in this competitive market situation. What this means is that human resources is now playing a more vital role than ever in the organizational hierarchy of a company. This is because a carefully implemented human resource policy can obtain a high quality workforce More and more these days the importance of strategic human resource management is coming to the forefront of many businesses. Here the word strategic means keeping in view the long term results or the so called bigger picture. Strategic human resource management focuses is human resource programs that can lead Abbey National Bank to long term on right track In strategic human resource management, an HR manager becomes a very important player in the company, the reason for this being that rather than acting as passive administrators, they play a more proactive role in policy formulation. The HR manager thus becomes a resource manager as he or she will utilize the full potential of their human resources From the above we can thus see that strategic human resource management is now coming to play a very important role in todays business world. Strategic human resource management is all about strategically managing a business. For Abbey National Bank human resources management is important for improve employees skills and competent advantage. (Smallbusinessbible 2008) Assess the impact of strategic human resource management activities in AbbeyNational The impact of strategic human resource management activities in Abbey National Bank as follows: High Skills Employees As impact of SHRM activities in Abbey National Bank is to improve employees skills and provide best customers services to its customers on improve employees learning about their tasks which can helpful for them. Best services to customers. Customers are a base for any organization and we cannot forget this factor. With SHRM we can provide best services to customers and can get feedback from customers that how we serve you. New innovative and reliable organization performance Innovation and reliable performance of Abbey National Bank can possible by using SHRM theories apply on employees and provide best training to employees and give them reward in bounce and other packages to employees. Revise employees performance according to organizational goals. With the help of SHRM, we can measure performance of employees on the basis of settle goals which are settle to achieve these goals and provide best information structure which can improve communication among employees. Provide new skills to employees to get competent advantage over competitors. By using SHRM practices, employees of Abbey National Bank can improve professional skills and provide new ideas that can get competitive advantage over other banks in the market. Evaluate the contribution of Strategic Human  Resource Management to the achievement of Santanders objectives at Abbey National Bank Improve business performance Contribution of SHRM is in Abbey National Bank for the objectives of Santander Bank is first to improve business performance on the basis of mission statement and provide right people for right job in all departments. Develop organizational culture To achieve Santanders objective there should be improve cultural environment of Abbey National Bank so that it can helpful to employees and provide right information with communication channels. Competitive advantage As competitive advantage, there should be hire such people who are more skilful and professional basis are strong and that can participate to achieve objectives of Santander Bank. (2011 Analyse the business factors that underpin the new human resource planning in  Abbey National Government policies: UK Government policies are changing policies for banking industry due to current economic conditions in the world. There should be develop new policies for employees and develop their skills according to requirements of bank.   Because Government has cut HSMP immigration system and no more high skilled people can enter in UK due to current recession and pressure of population.   Business Competition As business competition, Abbey National Bank should be hire such people which are more educational and high skills who can achieve requirements of jobs. There should be made a strategy to develop employees skills according to   Location of operation In UK, in some areas are not more business type, for example in towns there are not more business activities and while in these are there should be opened new branches for customers and provide best services to public. Assess the human resource requirements for next two years In the next two years Human Resource requirements will be as well: Identifying personnel requirements (numbers, skill sets, experience, qualifications) Match personnel to organisational requirements; Internal factors: Employees development For Abbey National Bank, in next two years Human Resource requirements are basis market situation and compete competitors.   While employees development is very important so that we can get competence advantage over competitors. For example, Barclays, HSBC, Nationwide and other banks in UK are use different policies for development of employees. Skill requirements: On the basis of skills for the next two years HR requirements, provide high skills employees to organization and develop different approaches so that employees can achieve objectives of Abbey National Bank. External factors: Government policies: UK Government policies are changing with the passage of time and during for next two years there should be hire highly skilled people who can contribute for success of Abbey National Bank. Education For the HR requirements, there will be need to provide short term and long term courses to employees from different top ranking institutions of UK. So that, employees personal skills and professional development can achieve and there will be more chances of competency advantage over competitors in future.   Training: Training of employees is a base to provide better performance and achieve determine objectives.   In Abbey National Bank, there should be made more plans for employees training and for best results provide different methods for example customer care and customer feedback approaches also helpful for Abbey National Bank. Process of developing a human resources plan for Abbey National First, we should understand demands of HR department and then we can determine a plan for   Abbey National Bank.   In current market situation and economic recession there should be hire high skills people who can understand and can drive Abbey National Bank in right direction and to achieve determine goals by HR policies and practices.   New employees should be hire only in this condition that there will be need more staff and there is no more chances to promote current employees means current employees cannot match job criteria. While there should be also provide best training to current employees and match their performance with determine standard which is defined in objectives of   Abbey National Bank. (2000-2010, 2011 Present a critical evaluation on how the human resources plan can contribute to meeting an Abbey Nationals objectives HR contribution to meeting can provide as follows: Employees performance: Human Resource plan can contribute to Abbey Nationals objectives by improve employees performance and evaluate on different scales. Customers feedback: Provide best products and services to customers and consider them as basic and focus on customers satisfaction. Then take feed back from customers and comments of customers about products and services. New ideas for workforce development By using Human Resources plan, Abbey National Bank can drive its employees in right direction and can get its objectives which are determined in mission statement. Explain the purpose of Human Resource Management Policies in organisations Human resource management is playing vital role in Abbey National Bank.   Its purpose not only select people for right job but utilize their competency and develop skills which can compete to other competitors in banking industry.   The skills that are necessary to meet the organizational goals are developed in employees. This point is considered during the planning phase and included in the policies devised for meeting goals. Nowadays, the human resource department does much more than just recruiting employees for the company. Using the human resource effectively in order to give bank a competitive advantage and completing the set targets, are some of the priorities. The mission statements reflect the strategies, goals and the overall approach of companies. The values inherited and the policies redefined   by firms are based on the mission statements; which are the driving force thatmotivatethe employees to move ahead. (2000-2010,2011 Analyse the impact of regulatory requirements on human resource policies in an organisation The effects and impacts of laws and regulations on the plans of businesses cannot be overemphasized as the above indicate. Recent insurance scandal in Britains oldest insurance company, Equitable, nearly caused its demise.   Equitables crisis is alleged to have started as a result of loopholes in regulation governing British insurance industry when it emerged that it did not have sufficient funds to honour guaranteed annuity policies to a large group of policyholders. The immediate impact on the Equitable insurance was that a court ruled that it closes all new businesses meaning a fall in services leading to huge debts and also lost of trust and market position to the insurance community and public as a whole which will inevitably force the mutual company to change its business plans and operations.   In the UK, the recent spate of financial scandals leading to loss of pensions for retired workers has prompted the government to put forward a bill in parliament to avoid future los s of pension funds to retired workers. Analyse the impact of organisational structure Organizational structure refers to the way people are organized Culture The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a workplace are itsculture. The culture and structure of an organization affect one another. A structure appropriate to the organization helps to develop a healthy culture. Communication In companies with rigid structures, communication tends to follow reporting lines. In companies with flatter structures, communication may occur more easily across departments. Job Satisfaction Studies have found arelationshipbetween job satisfaction and organizational structure. Organizations with flatter structures may foster more feelings of self-actualization and create less anxiety in employees. Customer Relations Relationshipswith customers may suffer if departmental relationships cause the customer difficulty in getting problems addressed. Multi-functional teams that can answer a customers questions and resolve issues have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Projects Organizational structure impacts the success of a companys projects. If project personnel also perform routine operational work, it may be difficult for them to focus on projects and meet schedules. If the flow of information across departments is difficult, it may affect ability to share resources effectively. Analyse the impact of organisational culture Analyzing organizational culture can occur on many different levels. On the theoretical level, one of the foremost individuals on the study and analyzing organizational culture is Dutch sociologist and writer Geert Hofstede. Hofstedes studies of how corporations and companies function most effectively is compared to how a good company had many comparisons to a successfully run nation, and how the culture of a people had an effect on organizational culture, and vice-versa. When a company is not running to its full potential, there are various reasons that a culture may not be working. The CEO may want to chart an aggressive course looking to be willing to take chances and to exploit every little opportunity, while the mid level managers might be prone to avoiding uncertaintyand thus play it way too safe. The organizational culture can be one of the most important factors in whether a large corporation succeeds or fails, but it is also one of the hardest things to change about a company since by its very definition organizational culture is shared throughout the entire company. This is why success tends to breed success while a sinking company is so hard to turn around, even if huge changes are made at the top. On a practical level, especially with a quick turnaround or shift in culture as the eventual goal, there are a few things to keep in mind. One is feedback. Setting up a system of quick feedback means someone at the top can get a quick, if not instant, response to a program or situation. Sometimes if a bad situation, such as a CEO who tended to over micro-manage, gets removed, then that simple action can provide an instant feedback, or in that case an instant response to the removal of bad influence. A good leader will be able to ride this early momentum to at least set the base of a new style of organizational culture. When analyzing organizational culture, you also want to figure out what types of managers and workers you have on every level, and: a) what type of organizational culture can maximize their abilities for the larger good of the company, or b) if the workers and supervisors already in place simply do not have the ability to shift to the organizational culture that is best. Analysing both strengths and weaknesses can help determine where a company is, and what direction it can most effectively head towards. A company with a very strong culture wants to make sure it doesnt go so far that no new ideas are let into the conversation. This would kill innovation. Likewise, in a company with a weak culture, if bureaucracy is a problem, while eliminating the unnecessary layers, your company still has to function. Analysing organizational culture can be difficult, but it is a process that is well worth undertaking. Examine how the effectiveness of human resources management could be monitored in Abbey National Bank An important aspect of Abbey National Banks focus and direction towards achieving high levels of competency and competitiveness would depend very much upon their human resource management practices to contribute effectively towards profitability, quality, and other goals in line with the mission and vision of the bank Staffing, training, compensation and performance management are basically important tools in the human resources practices that shape the organizations role in satisfying the needs of its stakeholders. Stakeholders of an organization comprise mainly of stockholders who will want to reap on their investments, customers whose wants and desires for high quality products or services are met, employees who want their jobs in the organization to be interesting with reasonable compensation and reward system and lastly, the community who would want the company to contribute and participate in activities and projects relating to the environmental issues. A comprehensive Human Resource Strategy plays a vital role in the achievement of Abbey National Banks overall strategic objectives and visibly illustrates that the human resources function fully understands and supports the direction in which the organisation is moving. A comprehensive HR Strategy will also support other specific strategic objectives undertaken by the marketing, financial, operational and technology departments. Right people in right place There should be select right people for right job while there should be select talented people to achieve objectives of bank. Right mix of skills: In Abbey National Bank employees skills should also be evaluate according to achieve competency advantage in market. Employees are developed in the right way: For the development and rise up performance of employees there should also be use different tools and training programmes so that employees can compete and doing their jobs according jobs descriptions. (2011 EzineArticles) (10.4.4) Make justified Recommendations to improve the effectiveness of human resources Management Work of Human resource management is not end on reqruite people and pay them and discharge rather than which people are working in Abbey National Bank they should be utilised them according to objectives of organization. While there should also get competence advantage over competitors in market by provide best customer focus strategy. Employee attitude surveys: For the effectiveness of human resources management in Abbey National Bank there should be surveys about employee that they are satisfied about their jobs and they are working according Abbey National Bank objectives. Benchmarking HR performance: To achieve human resource effectiveness there should be benchmarking system for HR performance and evaluate and redefine all activities which are determined in objectives of Abbey National Bank.