Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Contemporary Social Work Theory and Issues Essay

Assignment Title To what extent can social work be adequately conceptually understood in terms of a position at the interface between social exclusion and social inclusion? To what extent can social work be adequately conceptually understood in terms of a position at the interface between social exclusion and social inclusion? According to the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) the social work profession ‘promotes the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance wellbeing. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments’ (IFSW, 2000). However the social work role is questioned, in both its operational approach, and in terms of where it is positioned at the interface of individuals that are excluded and included within today’s society. This essay will aim, using relevant theories and concepts, to provide the opinion of the author, regarding their notion of how the social work role is delivered, and moreover, grasp an understanding of where this role is located, either working with the socially excluded or leaning towards the concept of inclusion. The term social exclusion was coined in France by Rene Lenoir in 1974, (Gore, 1995, Silver, 1995, Haan, 1998, cited in Islam, 2005: 4) and, in his opinion, referred to people who were omitted from employment-based social security systems. His reference to the excluded consisted of the ‘mentally and physically handicapped, suicidal people, aged individuals, abused children, drug addicts, delinquents, single parents, multi-problem households, marginal asocial persons and other social misfits’ (Silver, 1994-95: 532). Social exclusion did not replace poverty as a concept but referred to the ‘broader process of social disintegration – an increasing rupture of the bond between the individual and society’ (Islam, 2005: 4). As Lenoir suggests, social exclusion transpires in many forms; race, poverty and deprivation, employment, and class, and retains varied definitions. According to Sheppard (2006), the best definition that provides an understanding of all the dimensions of social exclusion was submitted by the Child Poverty Action Group (Walker and Walker, 1997, cited in Sheppard, 2006) ‘social exclusion refers to the dynamic process of being shut out, fully or partially, from any of the social, economic, political and cultural systems which determine the social integration of society’. However, the model of ‘social exclusion’ has only been in use in the UK for a relatively short time, and its extensive practice could indicate that it ‘describes a phenomenon that already existed, but lacked a suitable name’ (Page 2000: 4). Marx, for example, refers to the ‘underclasses in contemporary capitalist society. According to Marx members of the proletariat are compelled to sell their labour power to the bourgeoisie in order to ‘attain for themselves the means to their own subsistence’ (Ashley and Or enstein, 1998). Marx was aware of the growth of the middle classes, situated at the interface of proletariat on the one side and the bourgeoisie on the other, thus increasing the security and power of the upper class. Subsequently this produced a different division of the working class, Marx’s ‘lumpenproletariat’, for example; the migrant population, the indigents, the unemployed and those in poverty and deprivation, individuals that today would be the termed ‘socially excluded’. According to Marx, class structures are primary in determining the main social classes, the focal forms of struggle within societies, and the life experiences of people in these classes. However, secondary forms of inequality and oppression occur within each class, and these may take the form of racial and ethnic inequalities, or gender inequalities. Marxist feminists argue that, ‘within any class, women are less advantaged than men in their access to material goods, power, status, and possibilities for self-actualisation and the causes of this inequality lie in the organisation of capitalism itself’ (Ritzier, 1992: 468-9). , However, as Marxist theory distillates on class division, and is concentrated on the macro level only, this view of Social Work’s position at the interface of exclusion and inclusion is not conclusive. The Social Worker would be seen as working more in line with the ‘lumpenproletariat’ and not providing services to the ‘proletariat’ and certainly not the ‘bourgeoisie’, therefore places social work at the heart of the excluded and not the included. Moreover as social work from the Marxist perspective, is placed firmly within the macro level, the individualism and person centred approach that the social worker aims to provide the client cannot be fulfilled, as to do so would mean to be working at the micro level which the Marxist view discounts. The Functionalist stance referencing the concept of social exclusion is to describe a group, or groups, of people who are excluded from the normal activities of their society in multiple ways, thu s deviating from their societies ‘norms’ of behaviour (Sheppard, 2006). A functionalist perspective of social exclusion is, therefore, focussed upon the excluded persons being deviant and non- conforming to social norms. However, unlike the Marxist perspective, the Functionalist would concentrate on the social worker operational on the macro and the micro level, working with the individual, and also taking the clients wider social systems in to account, for example; family, friends, school and working environment. Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), and later Talcott Parsons (1951), suggests that societies were social ‘systems’, made up of interrelated social elements, and that these systems were ‘moral’ entities. Durkheim and Parsons argue that all human associations give rise to expectations in patterns of conduct, therefore producing restrictions on how a person should or shouldn’t behave. Hence emerges ‘collective consciousness’ which, in turn, constrains an individual and obliges them to act in particular ways ( Cuff, Sharrock and Francis, 1992). One way is that norms ‘effectively discipline individuals above all through their moral authority, relatively independent of any instrumentally significant consequences of conformity with them’ (Parsons 1951, p. 37). The other is that there is a tendency for individuals to ‘develop and maintain attachment to the same integrated system of norms and to find solidarity in the pursuit of shared goals’ (Parsons 1934: 295, Peacock 1976: 265). The Functionalist, therefore, would suggest that social work is very much concerned with the deviants in society, the individuals that do not conform to society’s norms. However this notion too could be contested, as, if the social work profession concerns itself with the deviants of society, the client could be at risk from labelling and of being further excluded by the social worker themselves. Sheppard (2006), asserts that social work is, in fact, exclusionary and that social workers ‘cannot engage in integration and inclusion because its innate functions involve labelling and marginalising people’ ( Sheppard, 2006). Functionalism also neglects the negative functions of an event, such as divorce, and does not encourage people to take an active role in changing their social environment, even when such change may benefit them. Conflict Theory also sees society as a social system, but unlike Functionalism who perceives society held together by social consensus or cohesion, Conflict Theory interprets society as held together through conflict and coercion. From this perspective, society is made up by competing interest groups, some more powerful than others (Andersen and Taylor, 2008). When Conflict Theorists look at society, they see the social domination of subordinate groups through the power, authority, and coercion of dominant groups. Randall Collins (1941) su ggests that power and status are fundamental relational dimensions at the micro level of social interaction and perhaps at the macro level as well. Collins concludes that coercion and the ability to force others to behave a certain way are the primary basis of conflict in society (Turner, 2000). Therefore in the conflict view, the elite members of the dominant groups create the rules for success and opportunity in society, often denying subordinate groups such success and opportunities, thus generating social division, and creating social exclusion, at the macro and the micro levels of society. In contrast to the conflict perspective, the strengths approach concentrates on building clients strong points in order for them to become empowered and initiate social change. Cowger and Snively (2001) favour the empowerment perspective as ‘central to social work practice, and see client strengths as providing the fuel and energy for that empowerment’ (Miley et al, 2004:91). Empowerment can be defined as ‘a construct that links individual strengths and competencies, natural helping systems, and proactive behaviours to social policy and social change’ (Rappaport, 1981, cited in Zimmerman, 1995: 569). However if the social worker is operational more within the context of empowering the socially excluded, rather than the included, what of the power and authority that a social worker holds over the client as an agent of social control? Moreover, if a social workers role involves empowering the client to take control of their own lives, how does the power transfer from the authoritative figure of the social worker, to the deprived, socially excluded client? Indeed, would the client want to be empowered, or be able to hold rational thought, capacity, to be open to empowerment? Rojek (1989) argues that empowering clients to focus on capacity building and not in making changes directly to the oppressive social structures affecting the client, places responsibility on the client to change whilst still facing social obstacles. Therefore, for the social worker to effectively practice empowerment, the client is presumed to have adequate rational capacity, and have only one risk factor influencing their lives. This is difficult, as, from researching this essay, it has become apparent, that the socially excluded individuals that social work operates with, has more than one disadvantage, problem, or need that they require support to cope with. Perhaps the term enablement would be more fitting than the harsh, power/powerless concept of empowerment and subsequently, that the social workers role should concentrate on maintaining the client According to Davies (1994: 58) ‘the social worker is contributing to the maintenance of society, by exercising control over deviant members, whilst allocating resources according to policies laid down by the state, on an individual basis’. This consensus approach ‘analyses structural inequalities in society and the role of social work in relation to such inequ alities’ (Lishman, 2005: 70). Davies idea of maintenance of the individual, and, therefore society, is simplistic, and, by using the term ‘maintain’ rather than ‘change’, dominates a proper conception of social work’ (Sheppard, 2006). However the radical social worker would discount Davies notion of maintenance as they perceive the state as serving particular dominant interests and therefore cannot play a neutral, humanitarian role in respect to vulnerable, disadvantaged, socially excluded people. They would argue that social workers using the maintenance role, with respect to state policies, will perpetrate inequality and its associated oppressions, disadvantages and stigma. Radicalists distinguish that social workers need to understand the nature of state power, and the role of social work as an element of state control and oppression (Lishman, 2005). If this is the case, and the social worker is operational in the form of an agent of social control, whilst holding the power and control over the client, may actually be alienating them further from society. Additionally, as the radical perspective, alongside Marxism, focusses on the class differences in society, it fails to take into account the multiple and varying oppression and disadvantage which operate in British Contemporary Society. According to Langham and Lee (1989: 9) radical social work texts and practice led to the failure to ‘recognise the systematic denial of power to women and black people and failed to recognise inequality arising from sexuality, disability or age’. There is much debate and confusion in reference to the definition of social work, and even more deliberation concerning the role of the social worker and of its operational position in today’s society. Taking into account, views from the Marxist, Radical and Functionalist perspectives, it has been the focus of this essay to decide upon the position of social work at the interface of social exclusion and social inclusion. It is of the author’s opinion, that social work should perform a maintenance role, working with socially excluded individuals. The notion of being an agent of social control is not very appealing, as it makes the social worker an authority figure, which clients would find oppressive. It doesn’t matter if the client is deviant or a conformist, the social worker should remain non-judgemental and focus on enabling and maintaining them to gain independence and improve their lives. References Andersen, M. Taylor, H. (2008), Sociology, Understanding a Diverse Society, 4th edn. USA: Thomson Higher Education. Ashley, D. Orenstein, D. (1998), Sociological Theory, Classical Statements. 4th edn. USA: Allyn and Bacon. Cuff, E. Sharrock, W. Francis, D. (1992), Perspectives in Sociology, 4th edn. London: Routledge. Davies, M. (1994), the Essential Social Worker, 3rd edn. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. International Federation of Social Workers, 2000, Definition of Social Work, [Online] Available at (Accessed on 19/12/2011). Islam, A, (2005), ‘Sociology of Poverty: Quest for a New Horizon’, Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology. 2, pp. 1. Lisman, J. (2005), Handbook of theory for practice teachers in social work, 10th edn. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Miley, K. DuBois, B. (2004), Social work: an empowering profession, 5th edn. Boston: Pearson Publishers. Page, D. (2000), Communities in Balance, the reality of social exclusion on housing estates, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Parsons, T. (1934), ‘the Place of Ultimate Values in Sociological Theory’, International Journal of Ethics, 45(3), pp. 282-316. Parsons, T. (1951), the Social System, New York: Free Press. Ritzier, G, (1992), Sociological Theory, 3rd edn. New York: McGraw-Hill. Rojek, C. Peacock, G. Collins, S. (1989) Social Work and Received Ideas, London: Routledge. Sheppard, M. (2006), Social Work and Social Exclusion, the Idea of Practice, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Silver, H. (1994-95), ‘Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity: Three Paradigms’, International Labour Review, (133), pp. 531-578. Turner, J. (2000), Handbook of Sociological Theory, USA: Spring er Press. Zimmerman, M. Perkins, D. (1995), ‘Empowerment Theory Research and Application’, American Journal of Community Psychology, 23(5), pp. 569– 579.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Rise of the Superbugs

A Superbug is a bacterium that can live in the human body and has the ability to withstand all forms of antibiotic medication. Superbugs are becoming increasingly significant in modern medicine as they are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics were discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming (Walsh and McManus, 2000). This resulted in a huge movement forward in medical history and even greatened human life expectancy. Since then antibiotics have been widely used and abused, people began to treat everything with this ‘miracle’ drug. If antibiotics are continually used as bacteria grows exponentially more resistant to them then eventually society will fall back into an era without the readily use of antibiotics. Fortunately the superbug is not currently immune to all antibiotics as some forms of antibiotics can still treat the bacteria. In years to come the superbug will become increasingly hazardous to mainstream society as it grows faster than scientists can create medication for. Bacteria are the main source for all diseases and deaths worldwide and have been on earth for billions of years, much longer than humans. Bacteria were first discovered by a Dutchman named Anton van Leeuwenhoek in the 1660’s but it wasn’t until the 1850’s that bacteria was regarded as the main cause of disease. Because bacteria have been around for so long it has evolved to adapt to most environments to withstand any other organisms. In the 1930’s Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey discovered an antibody which could destroy most bacteria and assist to fight infectious diseases. Many experiments were completed to understand the full impact antibiotics had on humans and how much was needed to rid someone of disease. Drug companies began to mass produce Antibiotics as a means of curing infections and diseases, but only a few years later scientists began to observe the bacteria’s resistance to antibiotics. Like most environments, bacteria were able to adapt to live comfortably with the Antibiotics. Darwin’s theory of evolution states that through natural selection the fittest will survive, this is the case for bacteria living with antibiotics. (Wiley, 2004) ‘The introduction of an antibiotic alters the environment and acts as a selective pressure’. They had developed a resistant by numerous ways, the most common being horizontal gene transmission. This is the passing of genetic material between bacterial cells and can be done by three different processes. The first being Conjugation, which is the transmission of resistant genes through plasmids. Plasmids are small strands within a call which are able to replicate the DNA of a chromosome and carry information around the cell and to other cells. It allows the cell the ability to adapt to different environments. The bacterium achieves antibiotic resistance by direct contact with another bacterium where the plasmid moves into the other cell through a protein tube called a Pilus. The second is Transformation, a cell will pick up DNA from their environment, usually from other dead cells and then incorporate it into its own genetic makeup. The third is called Transduction. This is where bacteriophages, which are small viruses, pass through bacteria injecting themselves inside. When a phage moves to the next bacterium it carries a small amount of the genetic code from the previous cell, allowing the DNA to pass between cells. Wiley, 2004) (Bailey, 2013). These bacteria then split and multiply, creating a bacterium that is resistant to most antibiotics and these are known as superbugs. Superbugs are growing at an exponential rate, with more antibiotics used, bacteria has the perfect environment to create an ideal resistant bacterium. For many years now scientists have known of this increasing issu e, attempting to create new forms of antibiotics while the bacteria will always adapt and grow resistant to. To quote Alexander Fleming: ‘The greatest possibility of evil in self-medication is the use of too small doses so that instead of clearing up infection the microbes are educated to resist penicillin and a host of penicillin-fast organisms is bred out which can be passed to other individuals and from them to others until they reach someone who gets a septicemia or pneumonia which penicillin cannot save. ’ (Walsh and McManus, 2000). The superbug poses a huge threat to society in many ways and it raises many issues. How should the patient be handled? How many different types of antibiotics are too much for a person to retain? How can people living in poverty prevent the spread of bacteria? The rise of the superbug produces numerous questions surrounding the care of patients and the fast spread of the resistant bacteria. The way scientists and doctors treat and care for their patients should be top priority, but when the patient is either living in poverty or in an area with limited resources it becomes difficult. In many poor cultures the superbug is growing much faster because they don’t necessarily have the understanding to prevent the spread of bacteria. In places like India and Pakistan antibiotics can be bought readily at pharmacies without prescriptions. Because many people think antibiotics can cure anything they use them inappropriately, therefore creating an environment for the bacteria to grow resistant. This is a major issue in Southern Asia as the rise of superbugs is much faster here than other countries. Reasons for this include the ease of access to antibiotics, the method of isolation for patients with the superbug and the contamination of water by antibiotics. Many drug companies deposit their waste into rivers nearby, creating the perfect environment for bacteria. Isolation of patients is significant in controlling the outbreak of the superbug but in many Southern Asian countries isolation is not very well managed. Limited resources mean there is limited rooms and limited money and as a result many hospitals provide suitable grounds for the superbug. In many Western countries isolation can also be a problem but in a different way. Because some bacteria can spread so easily, isolation becomes the solution. While they are dying from that disease they are probably going to infect others. So on a public health point of view it’s better off not treating them and sending them off to die alone’ (4 Corners, 2012). Economically many drug companies aren’t developing new ways to defeat the superbug because it’s not as profitable as manufacturing drugs that people will need for their entire lives. As a result there are only a small number of companies attempting to defeat the superbug. Another area for concern is the current rate of antibiotics going into animal feed. In 1998, in the United States, 80 million prescriptions of antibiotics for human use were filled. This equals 12,500 tons in one year. Animal and agricultural uses of antibiotics are added to human use. Agricultural practices account for over 60% of antibiotic usage in the U. S. , so this adds an additional 18,000 tons per year to the antibiotic burden in the environment’ (Kenneth Todar, 2012). Politically this number is far too large to sustain as it is expensive and eventually won’t help the animals, rather it will just create more superbugs. The most important question is what is being done to prevent the rise of superbugs. Scientists develop numerous ways to do this, most failing. But recently there have been a few breakthroughs in terms of stopping the superbugs from killing humans. Firstly, more than ? of all antibiotics used are from soil. Antibiotics are also found hundreds of metres underground in caves, where the living conditions are harsh. In order for the bacteria to survive they must either defend their own resources very well or attack other bacteria, by producing bacteria killing chemicals, to get their resources. Collecting these chemicals could produce a new antibody that is extremely powerful because it has survived in such harsh environments. Secondly, just as bacteria have been on earth for billions of years, so have bacteriophages. A bacteriophage is a virus for bacteria; it injects itself into the bacterium and produces many replicas of itself inside. It will keep replicating until the bacteria splits or bursts. As there are many different types of bacteria there are also any different bacteriophages, which makes it difficult to find the right phage for the bacteria. Using bacteriophages to kill bacteria is better than antibiotics because they have the ability to adapt to their environment. Lastly bacteria can’t kill on it’s own, it must have a large number of bacteria to create any damage to a person. It was discovered quite recently that bacteria have the ability to communicate with each other, they release molecules that grow in proportion to the number of bacteria so when that number gets high enough the receptors on the bacteria communicate and change their behaviour at the same time (SBS Documentary, 2013). This is known as quorum sensing. Being able to stop the communication between bacteria would prevent the bacteria from harming people, they would be inactive. Many scientists have produced other methods to prevent the rise of the superbug but unfortunately most bacteria have evolved and become resistant. Currently there are very little bacteria that have fully evolved to be resistant to all antibiotics but in the years to come antibiotics could become ineffective. In the past antibiotics were overused, they were used to fight diseases that could not be cured with antibiotics which therefore created antibiotic resistant bacteria. Only in recent times have scientists really begun to address this issue as more and more people are developing the superbug with no appropriate cure yet. The rise of the superbug is becoming increasingly dangerous to society and many ethical, economical and health issues must be answered.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Best cost provider Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Best cost provider - Essay Example Best cost provider is a strategy that works towards striving to give customers the value of their money by combining an emphasis on low cost with on upscale differential. Porters power of supplier strategy is one form of best cost provider. It is a basis through which the producer can understand where power lies in a business situation. Based on the above scenario, the porters power of supplier would help the producer determine where to invest. It is clear that the power for the above named products lies in the quality, price, model, durability because these are the main factors driving the marketing of these products. Market research reveals that the quality is the power source for the multi-featured cameras. This means that the producer must consider the quality as far as the multi-featured camera is concerned. On the other hand, the price is the power source for the entry level camera. Because of this, the producer must ensure that the price matches the one in the market (Strickla nd & Thompson, 2001). SWOT analysis strategy is a tool for determining the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Opportunities are important as far as the best cost provider strategy is concerned. They are external chances that help to improve performance (e.g. make greater profits) in the environment. As a producer of the Entry and multi feature camera, it is essential to determine the opportunities for each of these products. There are a number of opportunities. These include the price/quality ration, the model selection, attractive discounts, advertising and special promotion. The producer should utilize one or combination of these opportunities based on the product in question (Strickland & Thompson, 2001). Based on the above discussion, it is clear that the best marketing strategy is determined by considering those competitive factors that determine the market share. It is clear that the price/quality ratings are the main

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Collection of Arson Evidence and Analysis of Flammable Residue Essay

Collection of Arson Evidence and Analysis of Flammable Residue - Essay Example The fire itself is the first step in the collection and investigation of arson evidence. Experts have identified three factors that must be present in any arson case and these factors are known as the triangle of fire. These factors include oxygen, the source of fuel and the heat. In any case of arson, the oxygen concentration must exceed sixteen percent while the fuel can be any flammable material which include petrol, gas and other flammable materials. To this effect, the heat factor is considered to be any source of heat that can match the temperature of ignition of the fuel which will be aided by oxygen concentration. In an arson case, the arsonist must have tampered with one of the three factors that have been identified as the fundamental causes of a fire (NFPA 921, 2004). An arsonist will make use of accelerants like alcohol, gasoline or kerosene to increase the fuel load to enhance higher chances of the fire developing. The arsonist may also increase the concentration of the oxygen and this can be achieved by various means like opening the windows of the structure that will ensure that the oxygen concentration will be higher in the structure. ... e fire spreads from the top to the bottom, it is most likely that the fire will also spread in other rooms rather than be confined to one room of the structure (Bryant, 2008). Arson fire is brought about by an individual introducing a heat source and the heat source can be as simple as the lighting of a match or can be as complicated as the introduction of very flammable chemicals which have been noted to be ignited even in very low temperatures. It is important to note that for a case to be considered as an arson case, the underlying statement is that the cause of the fire was deliberate. In such scenarios, it is therefore to right to say that an arson case have an individual who deliberately tampered with the three factors that are considered to be the cause of fire. These factors are the three triangles of fire (NFPA 921, 2004). It is in this respect that an investigator who rules that the cause of fire was an act of arson must prove that the fire triangle was tampered with and that the other accidental causes of fire have been ruled out. This means that the investigator must have the knowledge that is required to differentiate between an accidental fire and a fire that was caused by an act of arson. It is in this respect that many fires that have been caused by acts of arson have been mistaken to be accidental fires and there is the requirement of well trained investigators to look into the fires that have been reported as accidental (Thomson Delmar Learning, 2004). Analysis of flammable residue In the analysis of the flammable residues the most instrumental method is the gas chromatograph. This is because it has been deemed by experts as the most sensitive and the most reliable method that can be used to detect and also in the characterization of the residues

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compensation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Compensation - Assignment Example One would suspect that individual performance-based compensation (as opposed to a group performance-based compensation scheme) would have adverse effects on teamwork among employees. However, the study found that that the scheme ran at the company had no adverse effects on teamwork. Performance-based compensation, if well implemented, may lead to increased job satisfaction among the employees of an organization(Ismail, Raffiuddin and Mohamad 83). A study conducted in seventeen GIATMARA centers in Malaysia came to this conclusion. The study was rolled out in two stages. In the first stage, five experienced employees including two supervisors and three support staff were interviewed in depth at the GIATMARA headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. In the second phase of the study, questionnaires were administered to GIATMARA employees. The researchers set out to investigate employee participation in determining their pay and the extent to which the employees perceived their pay as adequate. The study concluded that a well-executed performance-based pay system leads to job satisfaction. A well-implemented performance-based pay system has at least two features: the employees participate in them and consider their pay adequate. Employee participation is achieved by encouraging employees in various job groups to take part in the design and administration of compensation systems. There is some evidence, albeit less compelling, that performance-based compensation could lead to higher employee retention(Dee and Wyckoff 26), presumably because of the job satisfaction that employees derive from these schemes. This was the verdict of a 2013 study by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The study sought to investigate IMPACT, the rather controversial system used by the District of Columbia Public Schools to evaluate and compensate teachers. The system stands out in that it proposes

Managing risk in construction project in developing countriess Ghana Essay

Managing risk in construction project in developing countriess Ghana - Essay Example t the major risks associated with the construction sector include risks logistical delays , political influences , extensive procedures for approval , improper construction designs , financial constraints , etc . To study the impact of these risks on the construction projects in Ghana , a quantitative survey has been conducted . The data collected by the quantitative questionnaire , has been statistically analysed . The statistical measure used for the analyses include mean , tally , histogram and pearson’s correlation . The software tools used in the research include Excel spread sheet for data representation and MINITAB for statistical analyses . Based on the results of the statistical analyses , the research has suggested a set of strategies for risk management in the construction projects in Ghana . I --------------------------------------- , wish to acknowledge the following personnel who gave their valuable assistance and guidance for me to complete this research work successfully . Without their cooperation , the development of this research and publication would have been difficult I -------- wish to dedicate this research work Based on the Risk Management in Construction projects in developing countries like Ghana , to my --------------- who had always been my ----------------- and I also dedicate this research work for the benefit of the people involved in the construction sector . The history of the construction industry dates back to many centuries , when human beings left the caves and started living in houses . The architectural and engineering aspects of the construction industry started emerging since the construction of the pyramids . Construction could be described as a process of building the infrastructure and involves a fleet of multi tasked activities . Any construction project includes the involvement of design engineers , architects , civil engineers , project mangers , etc . The successful completion of any

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis and argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis and argument - Essay Example The focus of the topic is on media responsibility in building up youth subcultures that are referred to as deviant social trends. Its objective is to offer a sociological insight about contemporary culture of identity and defiance, by framing the youth subculture based on material culture, and its position as a driving force of social change, in addition to its masculine and feminine aspects. The topic also assesses whether current trends of youth violence has risen from unattached morals and leadership, or due to lack of censorship and sway of electronic media (Muggleton, 120). Moreover, the topic provides an insight concerning the callous reality of tagging, moral fear, and societal response. Examples and case studies will include music cultures and music genres like, rave, hip-hop, and heavy metal. In light of the present Arab spring and economic crisis, the discussion will then look at whether race, class, and limited decision making opportunities in both social and political angle, are alternately judged as contributors of deviant behavior. In particular, whether the stigmatized standings are cause of deviant labeling including being foundation of power to wield social control. Effectively, the media creates a trend of impressionable plus emotionally susceptible youth in reproducing the forms of anti-social behavior. This conception is developed from the notion that idealized precedent is distinguished from an indecisive present. (Maira and Soep,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hobbes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hobbes - Essay Example Thus, in his book, Morgan had tried to trace moral and political philosophy within realm of science and its numerous branches. He had also tried to establish civic peace as a way to direct mankind to fulfill their individual civic duties. To delineate these, Morgan has illustrated lifestyles and works of some of the greatest philosophers, sociologists, mathematics and scientists like- Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, etc. Through some selective excerpts of their works, Morgan has tried to establish his goal. Moreover, he has also attempted to motivate citizens in performing their civic duties by analyzing the aspects which makes thought and action of one individual different from another. Once goodness of soul is achieved, citizens will be able to establish civic peace in their societies (Matthews,. 4-27). History Philosophy and science were interrelated from the very beginning, so much so that philosophical ideas developed during seventeenth century has played a huge role in development of science and technology of modern times (Matthews,.1). It was during the beginning of seventeenth century that contradictory views of Plato and Aristotle were noticed by the modern world. At that time, philosophies theories and ideas were re-modeled due to two important contemporary movements- the European Renaissance and Scientific Revolution, with the latter supporting medieval thinking patterns of Plato. However, aspects of Aristotle’s views had more to offer regarding â€Å"empiricism, essentialism, naturalism and teleology† (Matthews, 5). Added to these, Aristotle’s thinking had directly influenced thinking of some of the greatest geniuses like Galileo, Newton, etc. who in turn contributed a lot to modern philosophy. The fact that science and philosophy are interrelated is proved again and again. For instance, the proposition that the stars do not twinkle because they are near or because the stars are so near that they do not twinkle. When there is no con version of the middle term with more relative non- explanatory term, or at times when the middle term is present outside, the proposition is proved by logic but the reason remains unexplained (Matthews, 31-32). Solution to this unexplained reason can be traced with help of different branches of science, like- optics can be related to geometry, mechanics to solid geometry, harmonics can be related to arithmetic and watching stars and comets could be linked to astronomy. This is what Morgan had tried to establish in his book. Putting moral and political philosophy on a scientific basis Appropriate upbringing is required for making good citizens. For this reason, people must learn to abstain from pleasure and pain generated by every single action. The same hypothesis is supported by medical treatments- the corrective treatments to be more precise. Thus, science has its own remedies for pleasures and pains as consequence of any action generated by excess of virtues. Virtue is a part of moral philosophy which pursues people to avoid anything that is wrong. The difficulty to fight pleasure makes both craft and virtue more challenging. This theory holds true for political science also (Morgan, 267). ‘Knowledge’ exists in two forms, namely of â€Å"fact† and of â€Å"consequence of one affirmation to another†. While the former one relies on individual’s sense and memory, the latter strictly relies on science. Philosophy and logic differs from science in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Globalisation and Challenges of the Muslim Religion on Its Influence Essay

Globalisation and Challenges of the Muslim Religion on Its Influence to the Family and Its Function in the Middle East - Essay Example This essay declares that majority of the humans all over the world follow one religion or other. Even the non-believers might have followed some religion, before becoming non-believers. However, religion is not a static concept or entity, which will be contained in one place or in a particular period of time, but it could spread to various places, and importantly could evolve and change based on certain world events. One of the events, which is having impacts on religions, and thereby in the way that religion impacts lives is globalization. Globalization is the process, in which the geographical and other social boundaries are broken, with interaction happening between people in various spheres of life, including economics, social, cultural etc. Because of this interaction, and its impacts on various ‘spheres’, the religion also gets impacted. As the report stresses family is also an omnipresent concept followed in all the countries and cultures of the world. Humans will not normally exist or thrive in isolation, he/she will be in the midst of others, and family is something, which majority of the humans are born in. That is, with biological connection established, when they are born, families get formed naturally. However, in the current times, the definition of family has had some competing definition due to the nature of change in family dynamics and composition. In general, it can be defined as a thing, in which group of individuals will live collectively particularly in a house or home, preferably under the control of one head. â€Å"A family is group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adaptation and residing together; all such people (including related subfamily members of one family)† (Mather 2004, p.2). When one focuses on family from the perspective of Func tionalist theory, it is clear that the institution of family plays many key roles. As a vehicle of socialization of individuals with the family from birth throughout the life stages. Functionalist acknowledges the socio-emotional support. As a means of production Family as a means of regulating sexual activity. Transmits social identity and social status of individuals within a given family, community or society. However, with the rise of single parent families, families with same sex couples and even families where the partners live together outside of marriage, traditional definitions of family are being broken, particularly in the Western world. Dhami and Sheik (2001, p.57) ascertain that, â€Å"We live an era in which the nature, function, and structure of the family have been thrown into question. Many, for example, would consider an unmarried couple, a single mother, and homosexual couples as equally legitimate expressions of the family unit.† At the same time, when one focuses on the family from the perspective of Islam, the family is defined as ‘divine institution’. That is, Dhami and Sheik (2001, p.57) further argue that, â€Å"Islam takes a more conservative stance, arguing that the family is a divinely inspired institution, with marriage at its core.† Thus, when religion or particular religious beliefs are focused, it interprets family differently. Religion

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sustainable and ethical tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sustainable and ethical tourism - Essay Example People do not have time to spend with their families to sit back, relax and talk. It’s all about accumulating wealth and how much can you accumulate. Under such intrigue situations people all over the world go on holidays and vacations whenever they get time to spend with their loved ones. Choosing a tourist destination is not that simple today, now you need to consider a number of factors before you make the final decision. Majority of the mass tourism today is dominated by travelers that want to explore the world and to discover the secrets and signs hidden in its beauty, matter and treasures. The market dynamics in today’s brisk paced world have revolutionized. Media empowerment, advancement of internet and technology and emergence of public entities, social groups and Non Government Organizations have revolutionized the market place from top to toe in all respects. Today the consumer is obstinate from a marketer’s perspective and has the power and liberty to repudiate or purchase, literally, anything based on personal liking and choice. This is how the marketplace works in the real world today with the emergence and existence of a new concept known to us as consumerism (Assadourin, 2010). The tourists today are also aware of the morals and ethics of travelling and they really take care of the fact that they are visiting places that offer healthy and genuine mass tourism. Healthy and genuine mass tourism refers to the fact that the culture and the heritage that is portrayed as local are original and not captured or illegally acquired. Similarly greener environments are preferred over places that are not environment friendly. Similarly with growing political tension in different parts of the world, terrorism and discriminatory acts have labeled some of the greatest tourist destinations as no go zones and this has led to the shift in interests of and choices made by tourists to decide upon their dream location for vacation (J.D Roth, 2011) . Mass tourism Industry and its impact on economy After the recession the global economy is still recovering from its aftershocks and after effects. The recession blew away all the mega structures that were created by the financial gurus and the corporate masterminds for the economic stability of Global business community. All their efforts literally went in vain as their hard work of years did not enable their businesses to survive a couple of years of economic downturn. As the disastrous recession of 2007-08 comes to an end, the corporate sectors and the global economies look for industries that are virtually recession proof and that will help them come out of the recession more quickly than others. One such industry is the Global Mass tourism Industry. According to the Global Mass tourism Industry accounts for 9% percent of the world GDP and 8% of the total world employment. These are big numbers and by 2019 the Global Mass tourism Industry is expected to create 29 6 million jobs worldwide. The former discussion

Monday, July 22, 2019

Patton- Fuller Financial Statement Review Essay Example for Free

Patton- Fuller Financial Statement Review Essay The success of any organization is heavily based on its ability to appropriately handle every aspect of its financials. Those aspects include a range of financial activities that include the inflow of cash and the outflow of cash which can be affected by a number of events including the raising of revenue through products or services, investments, purchases, debts and sales to name a few. With the number events that can take place within a particular reporting period, it is important that those transactions be monitored and tracked so that year end reports can reflect the most accurate overview of a the organization’s performance. These events and transactions are recorded and tracked through a number of financial reporting referred to as financial statements. For Patton- Fuller Community Hospital, information regarding its financial activities is included within their Annual Report. This report is compiled from financial statements that include their Balance sheet as December 31 for 2009 and 2008(audited) and the Statement of Revenue and Expense 2009 and 2008 (audited). In addition to the audited balance sheet and the audited statement of revenue and expense, other financial reports were utilized by Patton- Fuller which includes Balance Sheet as December 31 for 2009 unaudited, the Statement of Revenue and Expense 2009 and 2008 (unaudited), the Statement of Retained Earnings and Stockholders’ Equity and the Interim Statement of Income (unaudited) though these reports were not included within the annual report. In comparing the audited and unaudited reports there were differences were observed between the two. For the balance sheets, the unaudited balance sheet reflects $128,867 under total assets whereas the audited sheet reflects $127,867. This difference of $1000.00 is the result of the change in current assets reported under the patient  account receivable whereas the net allowance for bad debts was increased. As a result of this change, the total current assets reported for 2009 changed in addition to the total amount of assets reported. Other differences were observed in the area of total liabilities and equity where the audited balance sheet reflects a decrease of $1000.00 which is a change from the unaudited reporting of $588,767 to $587, 767. In reviewing what the effect was of revenue sources on financial reporting, the facility may have performed determinations based on a contribution margin. Utilizing this would show how the organization has increased or decrease in sales, profits, and assets. Further review of the financial reports indicates that on the Patton Fuller Financial Statement there was a huge negative decrease in the Investment Income. This caused a -123.48% drop. Other sources of revenue showed a positive increase from 2008 to 2009. Further review of the full report reflects that findings that indicate that the sources of revenue and the expenses in 2008 were much lower than 2009. The unaudited expenses show that there was $41,391 difference between the two years. The expenses that increased within the two years were the salaries and benefits of employees, supplies needed, and utilities. Within this time frame from the point where there was a negative impact, the organization was able to increase revenue and turn around what had been a negative into a positive. Patton-Fuller Community Hospital has grouped revenues into one category and expenses into another. All the revenue is what they are making from providing services and the expenses are what they have to pay out to keep the hospital staffed, supplies, and running. Patton-Fuller groups there revenue by care settings and there are only two. Eighty percent of the revenue is from inpatient care and the other twenty percent is from emergency care or outpatient services. This type of grouping allows Patton-Fuller to see exactly what they are making for certain services they provide. All the financial reports generated by Patton- Fuller Community Hospital provide an overview of the company’s activities that will be useful in future planning, controlling, organizing and decision making. In addition, they provide information to internal and external auditors that demonstrate the organization’s ability to properly track funds that are received and dispensed. For other external users such as investors and creditors, these same reports provide financial data that demonstrates how well a company is performing and has performed in  the past. These reports are also important to employees, as the financial health of the organization is used to make determinations regarding raises, expansion and compensation. Overall review of the statements, including the annual report, shows the company’s ability to be transparent to both internal and external users. In doing so their reports serve as valuable tools that allow for improvement and continued growth to occur based on the organization’s mission and goals. References University of Phoenix. (2015). Week Three Learning Team Assignment: Virtual Organizations. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS/405- Health Care Financial Accounting course website. Baker, J. Baker, R.W. (2014). Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers, Fourth Edition. Jones Bartlett Learning. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS/405- Health Care Financial Accounting course website.

A Rose for Emily Essay Example for Free

A Rose for Emily Essay Decay is found in numerous parts of â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. The image pattern works its way from Emily’s mind to the inside of her lover, Homer Barron’s, resting chamber. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily† you find five major elements of decay. The first element of decay that is found in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is the decaying of Emily’s mental state. Emily may have felt trapped because her father wouldn’t allow any male suitors to visit her, so when her father died she likely felt she should trap his body and not bury it as revenge because he wasted her youthful potential for love and an independent life. Emily’s denial of her father’s death expands the theme of death because she traps herself home unwilling to allow the change of death to affect her lifestyle. Another element of decay that is found in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is after the death of her father Emily allows the house to decay and become an eyesore, as the town’s people described it. Not only did the school look decrepit in a town that was embracing modernization but it also reeked of death and decay as well. Emily didn’t accept the theme of change because she seemed to live comfortably in the decay. She also wouldn’t accept the town’s people’s wants to modernize how the town looked by putting numbers above her door. Since Emily was living in a standstill in the period in which she grew up in, she never changed the interior of her house so she left all the furniture that was at one time very sophisticated go to waste and decay (Teen Ink). After her father and lover’s death, Emily let the decay continue to take its toll on her life by allowing her physical condition to decay. Emily at one time was one of the most sought after women with her slender body, angelic features, and her white attire. When she let the decay take over her personal hygiene and physical appearance she had traded in all those great looks for a heavy set figure, her dark eyes, and her grim black attire. When Emily let her physical appearance go she also enhanced the theme of decay and how time changes the body. Not only does the element of decay take over Emily’s mind, house, and body, it also deteriorates her social standing in the town. Town’s people once viewed her as a promising woman who would surely succeed in the future. Now she was thought of as a crazy suicidal woman (Teen Ink). In her reality Emily remains proud and doesn’t recognize the fact that she has fallen from the aristocratic social status that she once was in before the death of her father. This element of decay helps expand the theme into a fall from a notable social standing or rank of power. The last and major climatic element of decay was after Emily’s funeral the town’s people opened the abandoned room in the middle of the house and found the remnants of her lover in bed. She had clearly been lying beside Homer Barron’s corpse for thirty years due to the evidence of the long strand of iron gray hair found on the pillow beside his (Faulkner). The decay isn’t just upon poor Homer Barron but is also noted on everything in the room. The town’s people see the effects of decay in the rose colored room with dust blanketing everything and the tarnishing of the monograms on the silver toiletries placed in the room that appeared to be suited for a bridal suite as if it were an eerie dream. This element of decay enhanced the theme of Emily’s sad tragic life. There is also a surprising twist in this short story that would make any reader curious. The Negro servant, Tobe is the only one to escape the house of decay unscathed. As quoted by Faulkner, â€Å"He walked through the house and out the back and was not seen again†. After being trapped into servitude to Emily’s family for the majority of his life, he escapes the house of decay and goes on to live his life free of Emily and all her secrets. All the present elements of decay in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† show that the theme isn’t simply limited to that of change or death but it is very broad and can be interpreted and perceived in many ways according to the reader’s thoughts and views. Faulkner plays the element of sweet, sickening decay in every aspect of this short story to enhance each theme. Emily Grierson’s comfort in decay grew when her father passed and ultimately lead to the demise of her home, her mind, her body, as well as the demise of her lover Homer Barron.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Qualities of the Hero: Comparing Gilgamesh and Odysseus

Qualities of the Hero: Comparing Gilgamesh and Odysseus The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey are two very amazing epic poems in which the main characters that are faced with unbelievable challenges. The Epic of Gilgamesh was created in the 20th 10th century BCE. in Mesopotamia and is one of the earliest known literary writings. The Odyssey was later made in 725 BCE. in Greece and was written in Homeric Greek and was sung more than read (Mastin, 2009a). The main characters in both of these epic poems the hero must embark on dangerous quests and adventures to reach their goal. Their adventures and tales tell describe what a true hero is and what characteristics every man should have. In both these epic poems both Gilgamesh and Odysseus are required to deal with dangerous tasks that must be dealt with in order to proceed. In the story with Gilgamesh he must confront and kill Humbaba, a demon-ogre who is a guardian in the sacred Cedar Forest. While Odysseus lands in the land of the Cyclopes and is trapped in a cave and he must come up with a plan to escape with his men. Gilgamesh went to kill the guardian to make a name for himself even when he was begged not to by his friends and even mother. Odysseus on the other hand was trying to save his men from being eating from a giant cyclops, devised a plan to blind the beast and escape with his remaining men. Both men have great strengths and weaknesses such as raw strength and courage while Gilgamesh has his beauty he also is hated by his people since he would sleep with their wives. Odysseus has his cleverness and eloquence that would help him in tricky situations but he was also a good liar which he used in many situa tions. In these epic poems, the main characters had someone with them during their adventures and journeys. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh had Enkidu, a wild-man who was created by the Aruru, the goddess of creation. Enkidu was more of a wild beast than man but Gilgamesh sent a prostitute to spend time with him to turn him into a man and to stop living with the animals. They dont become true friends until they fight one another which helps Gilgamesh change for the better. Enkidu disliked the way Gilgamesh would treat women and after a wedding party when he tried to sleep with the new bride Enkidu would stop him. They would fight but Enkidu would lose the battle and instead of taking his life Gilgamesh would spare it and learn from this experience his faults, through this he would become a better man (Mastin, 2009b). In the Odyssey, Odysseus would have his shipmates as his friends who accompanied him on his journey. These men would go on with Odysseus from adventure to adventure during some there would always be trouble and he would have to save them over and over but they would also die off. They would slowly die off from dangerous adventures or even be turned in to pigs from a witch. Needless to say, by the time Odysseus would finally reach his home he would be the last to survive from all his crew. They also had some difference between both of them especially when it came to their journey. Gilgamesh adventure with the Humbaba was one that could have been avoided and should have. This adventure was solely Gilgamesh decision to go and kill the beast with no other reason but to have his name live on in history. Even his friend Enkidu tries to stop him and change his mind since its no place for mortals. This is done for fame and also to show the people that the gods who forbid it could be defied by a mortal. While Odysseus goes on his adventure by chance when he is trying to get home. Many things even Gods play a role in his adventures who try and stop him on his w ay and forcing him to endure another adventure only trying to survive to see his family again. The Mesopotamians believed in many Gods and was very important to them in their daily life. Even with Gilgamesh he asked guidance and help from the Gods to seek approval for what he wants to do. The Gods would make beast that would be good or evil but would be worshiped by the people. An example of this would be Humbaba the guardian of the cedar forest that Gilgamesh kills in the end which would punish him in the end. With Odysseus in the Greek culture they to believe in many Gods but didnt rely on them as much to interfere. He would be tested and pushed further and further away from his family but he would overcome the obstacles placed in front of him showing his strengths, intelligence and even his weaknesses. This was in most Greek culture which everyman would aspire to do. It never told of him asking for help from the Gods but showed how man would overcome and prevail. Even in today culture and ideals this is seen throughout the world. There are so many people in the world who rely on a higher power to ask for advice and think they are being tested in their own adventures. There are many heroes and role models people have who they look up to and try and want to try and have the same type of traits as they do. Strength and intelligence are not the only thing that makes a good man or women its all the other qualities that will help them overcome adversity and continue on their journey. References Atsma, A. J. (2000-2017). HOMER, ODYSSEY 9. Retrieved from Homer. (1997). The Odyssey (R. Fagles, Trans.). Wilder Publications. Karas, M., Megas, C. (1997-2017). Odysseus. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from The Epic of Gilgamesh (M. G. Kovacs, Trans.). (1998). Retrieved from Learning about Ancient Mesopotamian Religion and Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from Mark, J. J. (2009, September 2). Mesopotamia. Retrieved from Mastin, L. (2009a). The Odyssey Homer Ancient Greece Classical Literature. Retrieved from Mastin, L. (2009b). Epic of Gilgamesh Other Ancient Civilizations Classical Literature. Retrieved from Sandars, N. K. (Trans.). (1972). The Epic of Gilgamesh. NY: Penguin Books.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Caesar and Cleopatras Affair at the Expense of Calphurnia :: Caesar Cleopatra Papers

Caesar and Cleopatra's Affair at the Expense of Calphurnia Abstract In the trailer to his 1934 film "Cleopatra", Cecil B. DeMille confidently suggests that the romance between the Queen of Egypt and Julius Caesar is one of history's grandest love affairs. Perhaps this statement is in a way true, but when buying into the tradition of this romance many disreputable elements of the affair are often overlooked. One such component of the romance that if looked upon with a critical eye can serve to lessen the grandeur of the affair is the ill treatment of Caesar's wife Calphurnia. However, audiences and artists alike often have little problem ignoring the plight of Calphurnia, and Caesar and Cleopatra are rarely ever referred to as adulterous individuals. Neglecting to remember how Calpurnia was virtually thrown to the wayside in the midst of Caesar and Cleopatra's extra-marital relationship is possibly a way of lessening the guilt felt by those who choose to become surrounded by the supposed splendor of Caesar's love affair with the Egyptian Queen. Those who choose to proclaim the glory of Caesar and Cleopatra must be cautioned to remember Calphurnia's situation as an abandoned and insulted wife. If attention is given to faithful Calphurnia's desertion by Caesar and inferior treatment by Cleopatra, it becomes evident that Calphurnia is deserving of sympathy while Caesar and Cleopatra's relationship is not so grand and sophisticated as many wish to think. Faithful Calphurnia History tells us that Calphurnia invested twelve years of her life in wedlock to Caesar. Although a political marriage, Calphurnia treated Caesar with a caring attitude and loving attachment which legitimizes their relationship and for which she deserves respect. The most telling times of Calphurnia's faithfulness toward her husband is her care for his safety in the final days before his assassination, regardless of her being aware of Caesar's adultery. According to Arthur Kahn's historical narrative The Education of Julius Caesar, Caesar had grown "gaunt and haggard" as he lost the support of his colleagues in the Roman Senate. In his final days he often stared into space and spoke with little coherence. In his time of need Calphurnia glued herself to his bedside and although Caesar could not make conversation with anyone, Calphurnia listened attentively as he recited Homer's poems of Odysseus after he had returned home to Penelope.1 This narrative illustrates the luxury Julius' had to depend on his dedicated Roman wife in times of need. Caesar and Cleopatra's Affair at the Expense of Calphurnia :: Caesar Cleopatra Papers Caesar and Cleopatra's Affair at the Expense of Calphurnia Abstract In the trailer to his 1934 film "Cleopatra", Cecil B. DeMille confidently suggests that the romance between the Queen of Egypt and Julius Caesar is one of history's grandest love affairs. Perhaps this statement is in a way true, but when buying into the tradition of this romance many disreputable elements of the affair are often overlooked. One such component of the romance that if looked upon with a critical eye can serve to lessen the grandeur of the affair is the ill treatment of Caesar's wife Calphurnia. However, audiences and artists alike often have little problem ignoring the plight of Calphurnia, and Caesar and Cleopatra are rarely ever referred to as adulterous individuals. Neglecting to remember how Calpurnia was virtually thrown to the wayside in the midst of Caesar and Cleopatra's extra-marital relationship is possibly a way of lessening the guilt felt by those who choose to become surrounded by the supposed splendor of Caesar's love affair with the Egyptian Queen. Those who choose to proclaim the glory of Caesar and Cleopatra must be cautioned to remember Calphurnia's situation as an abandoned and insulted wife. If attention is given to faithful Calphurnia's desertion by Caesar and inferior treatment by Cleopatra, it becomes evident that Calphurnia is deserving of sympathy while Caesar and Cleopatra's relationship is not so grand and sophisticated as many wish to think. Faithful Calphurnia History tells us that Calphurnia invested twelve years of her life in wedlock to Caesar. Although a political marriage, Calphurnia treated Caesar with a caring attitude and loving attachment which legitimizes their relationship and for which she deserves respect. The most telling times of Calphurnia's faithfulness toward her husband is her care for his safety in the final days before his assassination, regardless of her being aware of Caesar's adultery. According to Arthur Kahn's historical narrative The Education of Julius Caesar, Caesar had grown "gaunt and haggard" as he lost the support of his colleagues in the Roman Senate. In his final days he often stared into space and spoke with little coherence. In his time of need Calphurnia glued herself to his bedside and although Caesar could not make conversation with anyone, Calphurnia listened attentively as he recited Homer's poems of Odysseus after he had returned home to Penelope.1 This narrative illustrates the luxury Julius' had to depend on his dedicated Roman wife in times of need.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ethical Issues of Human Cloning Essay -- Ethics, Human Cloning

The word "cloning" is commonly used in everyday communication to mean many different technological procedures. Cloning is more specifically defined as somatic cell nuclear transfer. Simply explained by Glenn McGee in his article Primer on Ethics and Human Cloning as "the starvation and subsequent implantation of DNA from one organism (e.g., cells specialized to make that organism's hair or milk) into an egg whose DNA nucleus has been removed. The resulting egg and nucleus are shocked or chemically treated so that the egg begins to behave as though fertilization has occurred, resulting in the beginning of embryonic development of a second organism containing the entire genetic code of the first organism," (........).This method was first harnessed in 1952. Further manipulation of the procedure provided the first mammal being cloned in 1996. A sheep named Dolly was created by Dr. Ian Wilmut form PPL Therapeutics and the Roslin Institute of Edinburgh, Scotland. Several more mammals proc eeded Dolly including mice, cows, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a mule in 2003. While progressing leaps and bounds, cloning still provided many undesirable presentations. For example, Dolly was severally obese and died prematurely. Aged chromosomes during her creation is thought to be the cause of her unfortunate death. Many clones created have had complications with their immune system, lung, livers and like Dolly, many have been obese. Cloning has also proven to require nearly endless attempts to provide a full pregnancy resulting in a live mammal. In Dolly's case, she proceeded 277 failed pregnancies. Furthermore than physical complications, many other issues, both tangible and ethical, steadfastly accompany cloning. Cloning, still being entirely exp... need of organ transplants. One needs a liver, another needs a kidney, two need a new lung, and another needs a heart. Should I justify therapeutic cloning, I would then have to justify the murder of an innocent local to provide organs to these five people in need. If my wife needs a kidney transplant and I can provide a match and giver her one of mine, I have the conscious ability to make that decision. However, and embryo, a premature child, does not have the voice to say that he or she is willing to give up his or her life to benefit research of medical advances. The idea of being able to use exactly compatible cells to safe lives sounds like a beautiful reverie. If there was a way to create this miracle without creating an embryo, without killing a life, I would be extremely supportive. Until that breakthrough occurs I will stand firm behind my beliefs.

Flannery O’Connor: The Southern Catholic Essay -- Authors

To many critics, Flannery O’Connor was aâ€Å"very devout catholic, [of the] (thirteenth century, [O’Connor described] herself),† suggests Mark Bosco a Jesuit priest, professor of Theology and English studies at Loyola University Chicago (qtd in Bosco 41). Along with being a native Georgian, O’Connor experienced life, albeit short lived, during an era of racial conflict. Although, she considered herself from another century, she was acutely aware of her twentieth century southern world, and furthermore she expressed it through her short stories. As Robert Drake a writer and Prof. at the University of Texas explains â€Å"[she wrote of what she] knew [to be] at her own doorstep† (Drake, â€Å"Apocalyptic Perception† 32), meaning that her strong religious values, southern roots and the societal issues of her times influences her writing. The aspects of O’Connor’s life that are prevalently revealed as influences, are her strong rel igious values, southern roots and societal issues which are portrayed, in â€Å"Good Country People† and â€Å"Everything That Rises Must Converge,† through her characters. One aspect of O’Connor’s life that is revealed as an influence, in writing the characters, in both short stories, is her strong religious values. As Drake points out, â€Å"she was catholic in the oldest and truest sense of the word†¦ [And was] faithful† to her Christian principles, which was evident in the redemption of the protagonists (Drake 32). For example in â€Å"Good Country People,† the point of redemption comes for Joy when she realizes that instead of her seducing Manly, as she had planned, he has made her suffer by stealing her wood leg, mocking her intelligence, then leaving her helpless in a barn. Joy thought herself to be intellectually superior to Manly,... ...isiana State University Press.1980. xxvii. Print Drake, Robert. â€Å"Apocalyptic Perception.† Flannery O’Connor: A Memorial. Ed. J.J. Quinn, S.J. Scranton: University of Scranton Press, 1996. 29, 32-33. Print Hyman, Stanley. â€Å"Flannery O’Connor.† Seven American Women Writers of the Twentieth Century: An Introduction. Ed. Maureen Howard. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977. 323. Print Meyers, Sr. Bertrande. â€Å"Ways of Interpretation.† Flannery O’Connor: A Memorial. Ed. J.J. Quinn, S.J. Scranton: University of Scranton Press, 1996. 19. Print Paulson, Suzanne. â€Å"Racial Conflict.† Flannery O’Connor: A Study of the Short Story Fiction. North Dakota: Minot State University. 1988. 69. Print Shackelford, D. Dean. "Flannery O’Connor." Critical Survey of Short Fiction, Second Revised Edition (2001): 1-7. Literary Reference Center. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Diverse Families Essay

The modern society is marked with many challenges, which are transforming the traditional social way of life. For instance, the traditional two parent family seems to be losing the originality and substance which was associated with it in the past. This is evidenced by the increasingly high rate of divorce which has resulted to high number of single parented and remarried families. Clearly the challenge in this matter is encountered in appreciating that a two parent family is full of challenges which when left unattended can result into far reaching effects. Many people therefore find solution to these challenges in single parent and remarried families. This fact is underscored by sociologist Paul Bohannan who defines divorcees as people who have failed in their marriage but would also do not like to settle in a bad marriage (Gladding, 2002). This paper is written with an interest of discussing how single and remarried families differ from traditional Two-parent families as well as discussing their challenges and strength. How Single parent and Remarried families are treated differently from traditional two parent families. Single parent and remarried families are treated as failures of their original two parent family in the modern society. This is because the society still holds the sanctity and originality of a two parent family at esteem and as a command from their supreme being (Gladding, 2002). They therefore believe that any deviation from this command is a betrayal of their religion’s requirement and has a well defined punishment documented in their holy doctrines. Further to this, many religions hold that all men and women must marry and stay in their marriages irrespective of the challenges they meet. Single parent and remarried families are therefore depicted as non official and against the requirements of the Supreme Being (Harris, Abernethy, & Smenta, 2000). Still to be noted here is the perception that single parents and remarried parents are sexually immoral. In the modern society, sexual immorality is still perceived to be more pronounced and associated with women than men. This compounded by the fact the number of unmarried single parents are women. To avoid being branded a feminist, I find it necessary to mention here that the considerable number of unmarried single parented men in the society cannot be ignored in this discussion. This perception is overstressed by the fact that human beings reproduce through sexuality which is believed by many members of our society to be legitimate only when it occurs during marriage and with only one partner in life time (Harris, Abernethy, & Smenta, 2000). Based on this discussion, it is apparent that having children outside the wed lock or divorcing as well as remarrying another partner and having other children is treated as a form of sexual immorality which in the broad and normal sense of the word is not acceptable in the society. Strengths and special challenges associated with culturally diverse families Single parent families face a number of challenges in the society. Top on the list of these challenges is financial problems. Available statistical research results shows that single parent families have financial problems, which are more severe than in the case of two parent families (Gladding, 2002). As a matter of fact, the financial contribution of one parent cannot be compared to the contribution of two parents. This fact becomes worse if the family was rendered single parented by divorce. This is because the family might have been used to a given standard of living which changes all of a sudden due to lack of financial support from the other partner. As a result, a period of stress and depression follows before the divorced person adapts to the new ways of living. This challenge becomes more serious if the parent undergoing this traumatizing experience has the custody of the children. Remarried families have for long faced the challenge of neglect. This is evidenced in cases where one of the parents had children. It therefore follows that each of the parents has to appreciate each other as well as loving the children. It is believed that the biggest gift an individual can give to his or her partner is by loving the kids (Harris, Abernethy, & Smenta, 2000). This undoubtedly shows that you where not only looking for a spouse but you were willing to join a family. However, available studies shows that in many a time, people find it hard to love kids whom they have not fathered or mothered. The desire to have a spouse can overcome the importance of loving the kinds and hence it can amount into another form of conflict of interest (Gladding, 2002). This problem is compounded by the possibility of getting in the present marriage what was lacking in the previous marriage or life. The effect of neglect is also evidenced in cases where the grand parents or either of the parents fails to recognize the step children and therefore they deny them their right of inheritance. One of the major strengths associated with the single parent and the remarried families is that they are put in a position to enjoy there life as well as to enhance the goodness of their children (Gladding, 2002). Some family relationships are marked with many challenges which can have negative far reaching effects and therefore detaching from a non satisfying marriage gives an individual an opportunity to restructure his or her life as well as the life of the children. Although it is argued that divorcees are marriage fails. It is also important to appreciate that they are people who are not willing to stick into a bad marriage. In conclusion therefore, single parent and remarried people are perceived negatively in the society as compared to the two parent family but this kind of family can be a solution to other problems which otherwise could be more hurting to the parent and the kinds at large. References Gladding, S. (2002). Family Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice. Michigan: Merrill. Harris, A. , Abernethy, A. , & Smenta, J. (2000). Adolescent-Parent Interactions in Middle-Class African American Families: Longitudinal Change and Contextual Variations. Journal of Family Psychology, 14 (3), 458-474.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Strategy and Serendipity: A Billion †Dollar Bonanza management case study

Mini Case 2 schema and Serendipity A Billion Dollar boom Key Issue / Problem Serendipity on how two modern doses were dis poke outed. Realising a dodging turn come on from a serendipity.Analysis Researcher extend a sensitiveborn medicate for the content unhealthiness, as the drug were a bring back for MED, the manager in Pfizer strategise this and make a this unintended results to into a blockbuster drug.Alternatives apt final ca applyning of changing a disaster of a research into an substitute(a) of lot another disease.Key decision to make Although a drug discovered to treat drug disease became a failure, and turn out to solve MED problem, thus a spic-and-span dodge to utilise it withstand to be made Capabilities An unintended outline, which were to bring back the tinder disease, turn out as s serendipity of curing a another dysfunction, and equal to(p) to generate income of $3 billion dollar sign per year. Decision Criteria The scheme of the unintende d intent turn out to be a huge sum of turnover. Stakeholders The investors, researchers, patients.Resources The managers of Pfizer, reseachers, Implementation plan To always have a alternative for a strategy which is still beneath testing. Vision / Mission / Objectives To create a drug to strike heart disease To overcome a mistake, and make a seredipity out of it.Assumption The smart team on how they able to strategise the need to the new drug for the MED and generate cash flow menses out of it. Discussion QuestionQuestion 1Serendipity is random from my manoeuvre of view. Occurrence of this is not predicted or in that location might be not whatsoever proven statistic of the occurrence figure. Serendipity means a happy contingency or harming surprise a fortunate mistake. Specifically, the accident of finding something good or efficacious while not specifically inquiring for it.Question 2Strategic initiative is any activity a pursues to explore and develop a new produ ct and process into new markets. In this case, it has been said to be an unrealised strategy for both sildenafil and Cialis. The management initiated their new venture into a drug to overcome a heart disease, and it turn to be a cure for ME, where they have the homogeneous market, which is the medical drug supply, but for a distinct purpose. With its huge demand rough the globe, these occurrences have become a serendipity for them.Question 3The gravel that explains Viagra/Cialis story is scenario planning. In this model, the managers envisions unlike what if scenario. In the analysis stage, they exit be able to brainstorm and identify the realizable future scenarios to anticipate plausible futures. This is what shows in the case study above, as the getup from a strategy of marketing a heart disease drug was a failure, they turned it into a alternative for MED cure disease. The serendipity there is beca white plague the drug was able to use for MED. IF, the drug was a failure, then they have must have already think or strategize something to overcome the losses.Question 4No, the story of Viagra/Cialis will not inspire me to origination a strategic management process. I will not be hoping for serendipity happens if my strategy fails, and the utilising the failure as an alternative. I will only plan for a strategy which is practical on that moment and bring up for possible future scenario using different simulations. If something happens as this case, then I would use this opportunity to make use of it and cover the loss for my failure, in a undecomposable way saying it to hedge my position.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

The body is all about the bodily aspects of the brain-neurons and also the way in which the brain is structured.Many philosophers therefore make a important distinction between the mind and body, the dualist view that a person is made of two separate substances. On the other hand, some philosophers take a monist/ materialist view that the mind and the body are the thk same substance. This is a contentious area of philosophy, and has created a debate known as â€Å"the mind, human body problem†.Such philosophers as Plato take a dualist view and try to offer further evidence to suggest a distinction between the body and soul.It is located in space and time.Plato used evidence such as the â€Å"world of the forms†. He suggested deeds that by taking care of the soul and ignoring physical pleasures the soul can return to the word of the forms when the body dies. The evidence of Plato’s theory can be seen everyday.For the body to survive it must meet its basic need s such as food, reproduction and own physical pleasure.

He thought that soul and the body were two unique materials.’ According to Aquinas, the soul operates independently of the body. Aquinas believed the only things that are divisible into parts decay. The soul is not divisible logical and therefore on this basis of Aquinas’ argument it is able to survive death. However, through the link with a more particular human body the soul becomes an individual so even when the body dies the own soul that departs has an immortal existence.A acceptable comprehension of death is critical to be aware of the real character of how our presence.This supports the dualist view as firstly, it proves that the soul is immortal and lives on after death, and secondly that the soul is separate from the body as the man who claims to be Jesus appears to be unrecognisable implying he has a different physical appearance. For Christians try this will act as firm evidence that there is a body soul distinction, however for those who are not Christ ian the evidence may not be so reliable.Cartesian particle duality formed by Rene Descartes, describes the mind and body as being separates and is based on the prepositional phrase † I think therefore I am.† Descartes explained that feelings and sensations cannot be located physically.

This economic theory is extremely vague however.Descartes evidence is based on the assumption that we can live without the body. He concluded that the body has the job of best performing physical activities however, it is the mind that contains our identity. For Descartes the human mind is I, that we can live without the body as the mind makes us who we are. Descartes took the most religious view that after our death the soul is able to continue and be with God.His natural philosophy is much like the beliefs of nearly all Christians now about the spirit.Evidence for Swinburne’s theory comes from damn near death experiences.In many instances people have claimed to have had near death personal experiences whereby their hearts have stopped during surgery and yet they have reported detailed accounts of what happened during the time they were clinically dead. For some try this is evidence for consciousness, however if the body and soul is one entity this would be impossible. This therefore implies that there is something that lives on when the physical body is dead, for dualists this would be the soul.

Each element of the soul plays a role in the new equilibrium of the person.Some of Dawkins work includes the â€Å"selfish gene† and the â€Å"blind watchmaker† Within these he rejects any idea of the religious view of dualism and within the â€Å"selfish gene† he explains that humans are a lucky accident and that all life is opportunistic and humans what are merely genetic mutations with the need to mindlessly replicate. Dawkins does not deny human dignity and accepts the computational complexity of human life to be able to contemplate the origins of human life.The evidence unlooked for Dawkins theory of biological materialism is based on DNA. Dawkins explains DNA as a code of instructions deeds that is made up of millions of strands of genetic information.This primal signal could have later evolved to be a indication of emotional along with complete physical distress.He stated that humans are one composite being, one substance. His theory the â€Å"repli ca theory† he realised from a religious point of view the problem was continuity. In life after death technological how can someone be the same person without their body. Therefore Hick suggests that there curfew must be some kind of replica.

An individual should be very careful as they live how that they conduct themselves.Some national accounts during the new testament describe Jesus after the resurrection and was recognised by followers before ascension. From a religious full view this is evidence for the replica theory as it appears that Jesus died logical and when he came back had the same physical appearance as well as the same personality.Identity theory puts forward a materialist view of the soul. Identity theory is against behaviourism logical and suggests that the mind and the brain are in the same place.Its part of a complete individual without it is logical not composed of components such as the nonliving and living things and which a human being isnt complete and it cannot end.An analogy for this is that a woman can be a mother, a daughter and a little sister etc. The same person can have many functions, it is therefore the same for the rat brain which as well as having the functions we already recognis e such as controlling physical activity, speaking and less controlling bodily functions it can also control the mind.Overall, although religious philosophy offers an explanation unlooked for the body soul distinction it is based on little empirical evidence. For those who already follow the religion it may fit in with their beliefs however, for those who are militant atheist of follow another religion the evidence that it uses makes little logical sense.

Monday, July 15, 2019

British North American colonies prior to 1700 Essay

The juvenile population was origin accomplished because a meeting of lot in Eng refine did non make with the spiritual and political ways of manners advocated. variant phantasmal companys leave England to conform to more than ghost alike(p) granting immunity in the States. As they move to the unused reality, the tierce divergent surface areas of the pairing Ameri merchant ship colonies greatly wedge non unaccompanied their lifestyles exclusively besides the limit of unearthly independence solelyowed introductory to 1700.The number one arrivers in the northerly colonies were puritans who came to the States because they didnt correspond with the Anglican perform. These forwardhand(predicate) pin d letr yearned for a key out where they could bobble in phantasmal license as hostile to the extreme compare to the fixed ghostlike persecutions they undergo in England. nonwithstanding the Puritans had re onlyy hard-and-fast rules regard ing social rank into the Protestant perform and faith was sucked real strictly. The Puritans believed that they were a city upon a knoll and were to be a sham of a devoted participation for humankind. at that placeof they were actually wet in intellection and were in any case precise prejudiced against former(a) theologys.This convention who had throw in render ghostly granting immunity shortly became the close(prenominal) sacredly illiberal group in the the Statess. Quakers, who denied the leave of the Puritan clergy, were persecuted with fines and banishment. some clock times they were regular hanged. Dissenters like Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams were banished and Rhode Island was found by Williams as the offsetly village to throw away exhaust independence of religion. In his cloaca colony, Jew, Catholics, and Quakers were all supply and treat equally.The midway Colonies was an super ghostlikely multiform vicinity because of the j oin of assorted population who colonised thither. The first to settle the constituent were the Dutch, in newborn Netherlands which would subsequently get down unfermented York after(prenominal) the slope took direct. The Dutch right the Dutch iron out church gradeing which was essentially a tell of Lutheran. atomic number 16 of the Dutch were the Swedes practicing their own starting time of Lutheran cognise as the Swedish remedy Church. They were after discomfited and abstracted by the bran-new Netherland colonists. exclusively the side of meat regarded the Dutch as the Dutch regarded the Swedes as intruders and in 1664, Charles II apt(p) his br different, the Duke of York, a squadron that defeated the Dutch. Although the incline were straightway in control of the region and brought with them the Anglican Church, they did not seekto utilise it because the Dutch do up or so half(a) of the population. past the founding of pascal allowed German, Fren ch, Dutch, and English colonists entryway into the mod terra firma to a lower place William Penns unspecific view of spiritual allowance. With so many ethnically, racially, and sacredly various groups in the region, there can be zilch entirely huge phantasmal toleration.The southwesternerly Colonies, were the early colonies to be settled, nevertheless didnt sift for the spectral harbour the overbold England Colonies desired. The solely settlers in the southernmost were from the Church of England so that was the prevalent faith. merely because the souths delivery was ground on kitchen-gardening and state on swelled groves and most things were stock-oriented, there were a some(prenominal) towns which meant few churches. light tweed farthermostmers with half-size land areas did not bring in the specie or resources to build churches and the round plantation owners did not incur churches on their plantations so they basically did any(prenominal) they wanted. apparitional border was not steep but the dominant religion itself was not stiffly lend oneselfd. In the center of much(prenominal) sacred indifference, the gospeler religions were born.Although immigrants to the brisk World all came with intentions of act phantasmal granting immunity never experienced in their indigen countries, the regional differences and spiritual views in short mete out them far isolated from severally other. The newborn Englanders were mostly Puritans who believed in implike communities and so they remained as they were, glowing worshippers of paragon and bigoted of other religions. The center(a) Colonies, with its wide-cut orbital cavity of races and the situation that it was complete for business and good deal ventures, dealt with long phantasmal variety show and therefrom gigantic religious tolerance. The South, inattentive with the large-scale lay of tobacco had no time to enforce the Anglican Church. such diverse thoughts of religious tolerance in the threesome regions that do up America before 1700 greatly impacts the America that we have a go at it today.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Political philosophy Essay

familiarity IS create AND take overD IN THE melodic line OF OUR behavior though comprehension AND IT IS not intrinsic AND dilateS FROM OUR induce IGNORANCE. toilette LOCKE COMP areD IT WITH TABULA RASA OR most mannequin OF A place flat solid UPON WHICH secret code IS WRITTEN. THESE atomic number 18 information OR IMAGES OF THE tendency WHICH stimulate OUR wizard-ORGANS-SIGHT, HEARING, TOUCH, penchant AND reek atomic number 18, IN A personal manner OF SPEAKING, RAW-MATERIALS WHICH OUR brainiac FORMS, through with(predicate) ABSTRACTION, INTO CONCEPTS OR IDEAS, AND WHICH WE prove IN SIGNS OR LANGUAGE. on that point be dickens OBSTACLES TO intelligence THE warpES WHICH blur THE humans listen AS IDOLS AND THE ERRORS IN reason out.WHICH atomic number 18 THE SO C each(prenominal)ED F exclusivelyACIES. conditionING IS A heart and soul FOR getting association that IF IT IS deceitful IT trampnot apply save DECEPTION. yet thither ar threesome TH EORIES OF familiarity viz. empiricist philosophy, freethinking AND informationISM. IN sensualism, friendship musterS FROM escort AND mystify IS A wizard OF sensing WHICH whitethorn BE understood AS bear honoring BY THE backboneS OR confirmatory BY victimisation official document OR BY EXPERI manpowerTATION. EMPIRICISM T for each oneES THAT WHAT WE SEE, HEAR, TOUCH, OR SMELL, IS all(prenominal) THAT WE throw out grapple. salient(ip) EXP wizNTS OF EMPIRICISM WERE throne LOCKE, GEORGE BERKELEY.DAVID HUME AND THE alleged(prenominal) lingual PHILOSOPHERS. rationalism take forS THAT precedent IS THE mention AND ladder OF cognition AND non SENSE-PERCEPTION. experience CONSISTS OF CONCEPTS WHICH deduce near THE nature OF ingenuousness SO THAT IT HAS A planetary AND fixed persona. IT IS THE solid ground OR THE instinct WHICH humannessUFACTURES THE entropy INTO CONCEPTS, JUDGMENTS AND righteousnessS, AND THAT IS HOW OUR intimacy IS FORMED. WHAT WE ja zz IS WHAT WE see theme taboo, OR WHAT evidence HAS oblivious FROM THE entropy OF SENSE PERCEPTION. THE cognize DEFENDERS are PARMENIDES, PLATO OF antiquated GREECE, DESC deviceES AND HEGEL OF THE. innovational solid ground. THE three speculation WHICH IS apprehensionISM CL necessitateS THAT THE SENSES potful however reflect THE appearance OF affaireS and so WHAT WE call option SENSE-DATA, weed non secure US WHAT THINGS argon IN THEMSELVES. barely through INTUITION, WE merchantman thrust A disembodied spirit OF WHAT LIES beyond THE PHENOMENA CAPTURED BY OUR SENSES AND change BY modestness INTO abstract SYMBOLS. INTUITION INTUERE.(TO olfactory property INTO) IS A orient snatch OF noesis WHICH IS non THE emergence OF apprised reason OR present(prenominal) PERCEPTION. pass on THE FACTS THAT in that respect be 2 METHODS OF cerebral INQUIRY, eldest IS THEINTUITION THAT GRASPS THE internal disposition OF creation AND clip AND THE trice IS a nalysis WHICH IS THE stableness AND PREDICT major power, scarcely OFFERS and A video OR A duck soup OF WHAT IS basically A self-propelling, combat-ready cosmea THE yet centering TO couple THE maintain betwixt THE butt cognize AND THE apprehender, WE mustiness commit mental benignity THAT EXPERIENCES world AS A unit, AS A dynamic CONTINUUM. at long last, at that place atomic number 18 contrasting nonIONS OF fair play viz. THE parallelism possibleness, cohesiveness THEORY, hard-nosed THEORY AND THE bolshy THEORY. cultivation THE sacred scripture pedagogy COMES FROM THE Latin VERB EDUCERE (TO choose) OR FROMEDUCargon (DRAW stunned). gentility IS THE fine art OF jumper lead OR directing A someone TO fond farming SO THAT BY EXPOSING HIM TO ITS COMPLEXITIES AND HE may bring to pass HIS inlet to doctrine authorisationITIES. all(prenominal) mortal, disregarding OF RACE, grammatical gender OR menage HAS A nonoperational top executive WHIC H IF cadaverous verboten OR certain COULD garb THE case-by-case TO accomplish A florilegium OF ROLES IN golf-club. facts of life AND fosterage IS OF divergent convey. information HAS TO DO WITH THE victimisation OF THE in all temperament season facts of life write outS WITH THE take onING AND ACHIEVING OF SKILLS. at that place argon stickS OF educational activity initiative IS TO countersinkTHE offspring FOR CITIZENSHIP-THE impalpable path OF PROVIDING THE earth IN on quarter WITH prospective leaders AND chase WHO WOULD tramp sideline OF THE allege AND country in a higher place SELF. entropy set IS TO commence THE individual(a) AS A military personnel- modify THE mortal TO receive HIS POTENTIAL advocatorS AS A clement being SO HE COULD BE assuage IN OUTLINING HIS experience DESTINY. THIRD, IT SHOULD civilize TO observe THE rife social administration BY musical mode OF convey THE IDEAS, THE BELIEFS, THE determine AND THE emplo ymentS OF nightclub.FOURTH, IT startS TO devote TO neighborly alteration AND IT must(prenominal) harborA overbold spirit THAT IS ancillary OF THE raftS day-dream AND manage FOR A more than sound, HU master(prenominal)E AND egalitarian SOCIETY. FIFTH, IT SHOULD throw US FOR lasting feeling IN A promised land TO COME AND LASTLY IT SHOULD AIM TO comprehensively discipline US TO BE A worker OR TO BE A CITIZEN AND TO BE A PERSON. learning HAS AN ideologic eccentric person. TO forgetful, INDEED, DOES THE shallow passing game TO macrocosm rummy THAT training AS A sociable intro bum BE MANIPULATED BY VESTED companyS FOR THEIR profess political pursuitS. TO whatsoever bulk WHOSE economic AND semipolitical FORTUNES be fasten THAT cultivation IS apply TO enhance sociable unison AND applyMENT.TO early(a)S WHO book zilch still THEIR fix OF red ink AND UNCERTAINTIES, discipline end seat THEM TO shinny FOR neighborly CHARGE. government activi ty governing IS A schema TO principal(prenominal)TAIN revisal AND COOPERATION AMONG tidy sum OR single(a)S WITH DIFFERING of necessity AND IDEALS IN life history, OR FOR REVOLVING impinge at bottom THE GROUP WHETHER THIS BE A FAMILY, A TRIBE, A small town OR A NATION- domain. IT whitethorn BE understand AS A oblige over THE concomitant SO THAT DIFFERENCES ar unflinching AND PR hithertoTED. at that place be both MAIN APPROACHES TO authorities to wit semipolitical philosophical system AND governmental recognition. policy-making school of thought HAS A notional AND normative CHARACTER BECA engagement IT DEALS WITH THE brain OF WHAT IS administration OUGHT TO BE OR WHAT IT SHOULD BE while policy-making acquirement IS observational AND descriptive IN nature BECA substance abuse ITS MAIN revive IS THE analytic thinking AND definition OF THE evince AND ITS prickALITIES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THEIR affaireS. political sympathies IS THE SCIENCE AND ART O F giving medication SOCIETY IN THE pursual OF ballpark candid and then ITS CONCRETIZATION IS THE political relation WHOSE AIM IS THE passel AND THE bail AND social welfare OF THE plurality. FORTHE triad bang-upPHILOSOPHERSNAMELYCONFUCIUS,PLATOANDNICCOLOMACHIAVELLI TO BE practised liable governmental leadership OF assure on that point argon very immanent QUALITIES TO BE CONSIDERED. FOR CONFUCIUS, political leadership IS non FOR THE cling to AND diversion OF THE patternS, NOR argon THEY patently FOR THE care OF LAW AND ORDER, plainly FOR THE gaiety AND sagacity OF THE state. HE likewise visit THAT THOSE WHO calculate TO LEAD THE hoi polloi must(prenominal) have got THE VIRTUES OF HUMAN-HEARTEDNESS, R ripe(p)EOUSNESS, PPROPRIETY AND accession to philosophy WISDOM.FOR PLATO, A PERSONS smell IS groovy OR precisely WHEN HIS case entertainS THE sense AND TEMPERS THE APPETITES.THE iii softS OF pile SHOULD give birth THREE ELEMENTS IN MAN. A pr inciple SHOULD contract lawsuit, THE SOLDIERS OR WARRIORS SHOULD DEAL WITH THEIR sensation AND THE ARTISANS OR usual the great unwashed SHOULD CONTROL THEIR APPETITES. both CITIZENS must endure hardened PHYSICAL, quick-witted AND clean T come downING. PLATOS school of thought ON teaching WAS matchless OF SO C anyED infusion & ELIMINATION. NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI WROTE A watchword ENTITLED, THE PRINCE politics, AS AN consummation OF position, SHOULD BE disassociate FROM devotion AND RELIGION. governing HAS NO ethical motive IT IS A unsanded reason OF advantage. OR HIM AN stiff attraction IS twainA mix up AND A LION, twain A MAN AND A savage AND both spacious pretender OR large(p) DISSEMBLER. B. outline (Critique) fellowship THEhuntFOR knowledgeISA neer-ENDINGADVENTURE resemblingWEVESEENIN MOVIES AND PLAYS. THE WHOLE OF cosmos IS also long THAT WE loafer hold up except withal LITTLE OF IT IN OUR fiddling behavior-TIMEHENCE, IT WOULD BE THE whirlig ig OF pureness TO infinitesimal OUR impart knowledge, UNLESS WE convey TO fold up OUR head word TO other(a) POSSIBILITIES. OUR friendship IS A produce OF ALL OUR ABILITIES, SENSATION, primer AND INTUITION. AND O AGREE WITH THE saying THAT noesis IS business office, A power TO meet THE human, A precedent TO rebuild A break off SOCIETY W here ALL MEN AND WOMEN COULD be intimate WITH DIGNITY, emancipation AND PEACE. I DO intrust THAT at that place argon endlessly much TO populate SINCE IT IS DYNAMIC AND in any case ENORMOUS. WE SHOULD unceasingly defy THE GUTS, THE high temperature AND THE slam TO square up AND TO encompass intrusive AND edifice ON THE remains OF experience.NO interrogation, experience ADDS colour in AND comparative CHARACTER TO put one across OUR LIFE deserving spirit AND SPENDING. OUR experience SHOULD non BE touched NOR perverted BY OUR admit COGNITION. WE SHOULD postponement IN listen TO ever so USE abstract thoug ht SINCE IT IS gettingcognition not undecomposed BASING IT TO WHAT WE PERCEIVE. YES, WE wad make up acquaintance BY OUR SENSES TO each accompaniment WERE EXPERIENCING as yet WE SHOULD eer BE RATIONAL. shaft THE REASON TO both circumstance non TO cut THINGS hardly rather TO BE rational IN opinion AND leap TO CONCLUSIONS. friendship IS A tweet OF existenceIT IS A appearance OF true statement AND not A port OF seeming OR broad OPINION. likewise THE totally THING WE SHOULD not discredit IS THAT WE everlastingly IN particular state of affairs DOUBT. wear thinT BE aquaphobic TO DOUBT OR TO interview THINGS BECAUSE IT IS A commission OF acquiring AND GAINING ALL WE ask TO go to bed.ON THE other(a) submit WE COULD nevertheless rule companionship THAT IT IS not THE SENSES, NOR REASON CAN reserve fit soul OF man alone THE SO CALLED INTUITION. experience IS AN coordinated cooking stove W here(predicate)IN there IS AN understanding WITH sen sation commemorate OF intimacy WITH another(prenominal) dress up OF IT.IT IS A vibration WITH NO tooth root AND ENDING. THE more than WE make intrusive THE more WE psyche AND THE more than WE strain FOR THE ANSWER. WE ceaselessly kick in THE countenance TO dissipate OUR keep mum mind OF THE WORLD AND WE argon kick TO explore ITS terminal point AND BOUNDARY.WE evermore draw THE strike TO live THE SECRETS OF THE objective essence AND admittance to philosophy range OF LIFE. WE SHOULD not close up locomotion THE exquisite AND picturesque excursion OF OUR earth AND take overT part TO attain AND TO GAIN THE hone AND ever-living acquaintance. pedagogics SINCE WE are inquiring FOR KNOWLEDGE, HAVING AN schooling IS OF GREAT garter.IT IS A springy INSTRUMENT TO search OUR limit AND TO GO beyond THE HORIZON. HAVING AN raising IS akin sightedness A RAINBOW later A RAIN exhibitioner IT ADDS food color AND content later THE sharp DARKNESS. WE SHOULD not hardly BE apt, WE essential BE EDUCATED. beingness facts of life FOR ME IS opening THE gainDOWS OF OUR principal AND SOUL.WE SHOULD put down motility TO UNDERSTAND, TO COMPREHEND, AND TO BE responsive TO IDEAS, ASPIRATIONS AND invade TO WHICH WE king differently BE indifferent(p) TO EACH other. WE SHOULD not practiced BE satisfactory righteous TO BE TRAINED BECAUSE IT alone delegacy WE conscionable requirement TO amend OUR tycoon TO DO some(a)THING WITHOUT DEEPENED UNDERSTANDING, WIDENED kind-heartedness OR HEIGHTENED ASPIRATIONS FOR IT. on that point SHOULD BE A commonplace accord ON WHAT IS reading SHOULD AIM AND narrow THE target OF culture WITH NO BIAS AND bring together CHANCES TO hatful OF antithetical cordial POSITIONS AND SHOULD non BE IN concurrence WITH THEIR natural come toS.IT WOULD BE AN likeness TO gestate THE rule didactics TO BE real TRANSFORMATIVE AND LIBERATING BECAUSE OF at presentS inconsistency especia lly IN well-disposed condition ASPECTS consequently in that location IS A convey TO RE-INVENT information SO THAT IT ordain nourish A untried sensory faculty AND berth THAT IS corroboratory AND broody TO OUR ASPIRATIONS AND fight FOR brotherly TRANSFORMATION. political sympathies fosterage HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES IS touched BY some FACTORS such AS THE mixed bag OF politics WE receive. I DO intend THAT governing SHOULD manoeuvreCTION AND AIMS TO GO later on THE wellbeing OF THE PEOPLE AND nada ELSE further THE credentials AND inescapably OFPEOPLE. political relation IS both A granting immunity AND RESPONSIBILITY. IT IS world-beater that WHEN apply IN A impairment track OR sustain A spare-time activity AND pursuit OF face-to-face INTERESTS COULD BE hollerD. regime IS not save A dodging ITSELF besides A constitution OF IDEAS WITH accusation AND FUNCTIONS.IN wound OF THE occurrent situation IN OUR clownish WE COULD tranquillize fall ou t A seemly, save, candid AND answerable semipolitical dust. WE COULD stock-still get up A CHANGE. aside FROM macrocosm A total AND sure colleague WE COULD make out AND pick out legal AND the right way policy-making leadership peculiarly WITH OUR participatory caseful OF governing body.WE essential TO BE obligated generous TO fix THE total AND assign formula WITH THEIR topper caliber AND CHARACTER. WE SHOULD guardedly give out AND gauge A policy-making RULER WHO HAS THE INTEREST IN dower THE PEOPLE WITH earnestness AND SHOULD non well(p) accommodate HIMSELF OR HERSELF IN POWER.C. Contextualization KNOWLEDGE design to school of thought Filipino IS A KNOWLEDGE seeker AND SO alpha WHEN IT COMES TO comfort AND DEVELOP THEIR culture AND ABILITIES. WE bring SO numerous proud KABABAYAN WHO ar SO aroused AND delay IN acquiring such(prenominal) KNOWLEDGE THEY be spirit FOR. slightly OF US evening get wind TO GO TO OTHER land FOR THEIR SEARC H FOR KNOWLEDGE. WE ar not commodious WITH average HAVING A KNOWLEDGE THAT IS already IN bowel movement OF US. WE usually catch up with OUT OF THE boxful AND GO beyond THE HORIZON. AND BECAUSE OF THIS PERSEVERANCE, some PhilippineS FROM several(predicate) theater of operations drop dead flourishing AND FAMOUS. many an(prenominal) JOBS AND OPPORTUNITIES pay back rude TO FilipinoS BECAUSE OF THEIR ABILITY AND cult TO LEARN. raising puberty BECOMES A barrier TO strickle THE culture OF HAVING A better(p) precept.NOWADAYS, AS YOU savor WITH THE precondition OF OUR agricultural, PHILIPPINES I moldiness govern THATWE OUR seek peculiarly THE misfortunate INDIVIDUAL TO pull back much(prenominal) provide AND healthy fiber OF fosterage. IN OUR rural area spiritedness attitude AFFECTS A dish up IN MAINTAINING A wide whole step OF training. there ar SO numerous FAMILIES WHO affair FOR financial backing THE OTHER EXPENSES OF THEIR nestling alike m old AND cursory fare AND fodder ALLOWANCE. FOR AN disadvantaged FAMILY WITH INCOME THAT IS non abundant WITH THEIR day-to-day CONSUMPTION, HAVING A reckon FOR EDUCATION COULD BE A least PRIORITY. umteen OF THE youthfulness now crimson THEY necessity TO hatch THEIR COLLEGE and COULD not BECAUSE THEY afford NO preference that TO change state TO view asAND return financially FOR THEIR FAMILY. as well as IT IS jet, IN roughly distant BARRIOS many a(prenominal) Philippine CHILDREN to begin with THEY COULD finish off THE close naturalise FROM THEIR hold THEY requirement TO campaign AND notch ON RIVERS AND thus far any(prenominal) sloppy mess hall earlier THEY CAN take on that point. IN venom THEIR inscription TO BE EDUCATED, take BUILDINGS AND sizeable schooling FACILITIES AND MATERIALS IS NOT passable TP ACCOMMODATES plumping state IN OUR pastoral. as well decadence IS unity OF THE major REASONS why get OF FILIPINO IS unable TO benef it THEIR RIGHTS TO BE EDUCATED. sooner OF finance THE EDUCATION SECTOR, THE funds OF FILIPINOS GOESTO THE bulge OF THOSE WHO atomic number 18 voracity AND egoistical formalS. NO DOUBT, PHILIPPINES IS A loaded COUNTRY WITH ITS subtile infixed RESOURCES withal OUR cash COULD NOT eventide financially run AND stop inactive flora AND OPPORTUNITIES TO THOSE WHO involve JOBS.POLITICS IT BEEN AN familiar SCENARIO DURING choice THAT THERE be SO many another(prenominal) supernumerary ACTIONS TOOK behind LIKE ballot BUYING, ballot solution CHEATING, cleansing OF political RIVALRY, AND THE LIKES solely FOR THOSE self-absorbed aspirer OFFICIALS TO WIN THE say alternative. AND until now afterward THE ELECTION, DURING THEIR divine service eld SO many an(prenominal) debase put on IS BEEN accident. putrescence IS iodine OF THE major(ip) PROBLEMS HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES. some(prenominal) elected political OFFICIALS ABUSE THE POWER devoted TO THEM FOR THEIR le t INTERESTS. straightawayS solvent IS WHAT THEY CALLED porc membranophone grime WHEREIN THE figure dish out AND given over TO semipolitical OFFICIAL FOR THEIR PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS THAT SHOULD AND mustiness HELP FILIPINO GOES TO soap OF scantily SOME PEOPLE. dactyl POINTING AND overstep process THAT THEY get dressedT USE each OF THE general bullion FOR THEIR take in eudaemonia IS equable ON investigating AND NOT that ANSWERED. mental home to philosophyINSTITUTIONALIZING IS to a fault HAPPENING IN OUR COUNTRY AND THE or so stirred ar THE general oddly THE POOR. IT IS as well COMMON IN OUR political SYSTEM HAVING A FAMILY DYNASTY WHEREIN THE POWER IN umteen PLACES IS JUST IN THE mitt OF ONE FAMILY. unconstipated WE already look at change considerate OF ELECTION SYSTEM, WE sedate shin TO befuddle THE FAIR AND JUST semipolitical SYSTEM WE ARE look AND HOPING TO ACHIEVE.LASTLY, WE FILIPINOS free ELECTING misemploy state-supported SERVANT. WE AR E fluid stratagem WITH THEIR LOOKS, WHETHER THEY ARE CELEBRITIES OR IF EVEN THEY melt TO come to an end THEIR EDUCATION AND WITH THEIR efflorescence PROMISES AND WORDS.WE NEVER authentically PRACTICE A slender head TO favour THE RIGHT AND THE honorable STATE RULER. D. paygrade 1. instance THE plain doctrine truly HELPED ME TO BE broad-minded AND critically prone WITH E veryTHING about ME. WE commence SO umteen THINGS WE suave convey TO KNOW AND ACQUIRE so far philosophy SERVES AS AN ASSISTING marionette TO authentically KNOW THE pith OF OUR take macrocosm AND THE trustworthy MEANING OF OUR LIFE AND ITS PURPOSE.MY shut WORLD BECOMES undefendable WITH WHAT IS authentically HAPPENING. 2. prof SIR RODERICK CENTENO IS A VERY KNOWLEDGE open, prise AND upright OF SENSE KIND OF professor IN PHILOSOPHY.WE really approveED sense of hearing TO HIS LECTURES rough PHILOSOPHY. IT SO think THAT turn study WEVE ABLE TO take a crap FUN AND ENJOY any instruc tion AND DISCUSSION. THE reportage IS A adept path FOR US school-age child TO point OUR PERSPECTIVES AND OPINIONS ON THINGS. IT HELPS TO procession OUR INTEREST AND knowingness ON THE THINGS THAT in advance WE real wear downT digest criminal maintenance AND IS none OF OUR BUSINESS.THE observance make-up ACTIVITIES IS A useful FOR US TO HAVE gage THOUGHTS TO every(prenominal) show up AND DECISIONS. AND I spy THAT SIR GIVES splendor IN MANAGING HIS AND OUR TIME. entrance to Philosophy.